Смотреть что такое "outpull" в других словарях:
outpull — transitive verb Date: 1926 outdraw 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
outpull — /owt pool /, v.t. to exceed in ability to attract an audience, attention, etc.; outdraw: a film that is outpulling every other movie in town. [1925 30; OUT + PULL] * * * … Universalium
outpull — out•pull [[t]ˌaʊtˈpʊl[/t]] v. t. cvb outdraw 2) • Etymology: 1925 … From formal English to slang
outpull — (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: out + pull : to attract a larger audience than outpulls all other shows in town * * * /owt pool /, v.t. to exceed in ability to attract an audience, attention, etc.; outdraw: a film that is outpulling every … Useful english dictionary