
ˈautɡrəuθ сущ.
1) рост;
2) а) отросток;
побег Syn : offshoot, scion б) нарост, шишка Antlers are the bone outgrowths on the head of dears. ≈ Рога - это костяной нарост на голове оленя.
3) перен. естественный ход, развитие (событий и т.п.) ;
результат, следствие Racism was not just an outgrowth of Nazism but its basis. ≈ Расизм не был следствием нацизма, он был его основой. отросток;
нарост - a corn is an * on a toe мозоль - это нарост на пальце отпрыск продукт, результат, следствие - the riot was an * of racial antagonism беспорядки были вызваны расовым антагонизмом - many American cities are the *s of small frontier settlements многие крупные американские города появились на месте бывших небольших пограничных поселений рост;
перерастание (границ) - the * of new leaves in the spring бурный рост листвы весной outgrowth нарост ~ отросток;
отпрыск ~ продукт, результат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outgrowth" в других словарях:

  • outgrowth — [n1] projection bulge, enlargement, excrescence, jut, node, offshoot, outcrop, process, prolongation, prominence, protuberance, shoot, sprout, swelling; concepts 471,824 Ant. ingrowth outgrowth [n2] product, consequence aftereffect, branch, by… …   New thesaurus

  • Outgrowth — Out growth , n. That which grows out of, or proceeds from, anything; an excrescence; an offshoot; hence, a result or consequence. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outgrowth — I noun aftereffect, aftermath, development, effect, end result, eventuality, eventuation, excrescence, fruit, issue, offshoot, offspring, repercussion, result, resultance, resultant, sequel, sprout, yield II index amount (result), boom… …   Law dictionary

  • outgrowth — ► NOUN 1) something that grows out of something else. 2) a natural development or result …   English terms dictionary

  • outgrowth — [out′grōth΄] n. 1. the act of growing out 2. a result; consequence; development 3. that which grows out; offshoot …   English World dictionary

  • outgrowth — out·growth au̇t .grōth n 1) the process of growing out <in vitro, dopamine modifies axonal and dendritic outgrowth (Linda C. Mayes)> 2) something that grows directly out of something else <an outgrowth of hair> <a bony… …   Medical dictionary

  • outgrowth — UK [ˈaʊtˌɡrəʊθ] / US [ˈaʊtˌɡroʊθ] noun [countable] Word forms outgrowth : singular outgrowth plural outgrowths something that develops from something else The Internet itself is an outgrowth of a computer network in the US Defense Department …   English dictionary

  • outgrowth — noun Date: 1837 1. a process or product of growing out < an outgrowth of hair > 2. consequence, by product < crime is often an outgrowth of poverty > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • outgrowth — n. a direct outgrowth * * * [ aʊtgrəʊθ] a direct outgrowth …   Combinatory dictionary

  • outgrowth — out|growth [ˈautgrəuθ US grouθ] n 1.) something that develops from something else, as a natural result of it outgrowth of ▪ Crime is often an outgrowth of poverty. 2.) technical something that grows out of something else …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • outgrowth — [[t]a͟ʊtgroʊθ[/t]] outgrowths N COUNT: usu N of n Something that is an outgrowth of another thing has developed naturally as a result of it. Her first book is an outgrowth of an art project she began in 1988. Syn: consequence …   English dictionary

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