outer envelope

outer envelope
наружный конверт

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outer envelope" в других словарях:

  • outer envelope — The bulb of a gas discharge lamp which protects and supports the arc tube; either filled with gas or evacuated to avoid oxidation of the arc tube …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • envelope — [1] A thin rubber wrapper that surrounds the tread, sidewall and is tucked inside the curing rim during the pre cured cold process retreading. It protects bonding materials from humidity within the chamber. [2] A cover enclosing something… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • outer bulb — See outer envelope …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • envelope — ► NOUN 1) a flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document. 2) a covering or containing structure or layer. 3) the outer housing of a vacuum tube, electric light, etc. 4) the structure within a balloon or non… …   English terms dictionary

  • envelope — [än′və lōp΄, en′′və lōp΄] n. [Fr & OFr enveloppe < OFr envoluper: see ENVELOP] 1. a thing that envelops; wrapper; covering 2. a folded paper container as for a letter, usually with a gummed flap for sealing 3. a) the outer covering of a rigid… …   English World dictionary

  • envelope — noun Date: circa 1714 1. a flat usually paper container (as for a letter) 2. something that envelops ; wrapper < the envelope of air around the earth > 3. a. the outer covering of an aerostat b. the bag containing the gas in a balloon or airship… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • envelope — /en veuh lohp , ahn /, n. 1. a flat paper container, as for a letter or thin package, usually having a gummed flap or other means of closure. 2. something that envelops; a wrapper, integument, or surrounding cover. 3. Biol. a surrounding or… …   Universalium

  • envelope — Synonyms and related words: aura, bandage, bandaging, binder, binding, blaze of glory, border, brilliance, brilliancy, charisma, circumference, cortex, covering, crust, dust jacket, envelopment, epidermis, exterior, external, facade, face, facet …   Moby Thesaurus

  • envelope — en•ve•lope [[t]ˈɛn vəˌloʊp, ˈɑn [/t]] n. 1) a flat paper container, as for a letter or thin package, usu. having a gummed flap or other means of closure 2) something that envelops; a wrapper or surrounding cover 3) bio a surrounding or enclosing… …   From formal English to slang

  • envelope — In anatomy, a structure that encloses or covers. corneocyte e. an electron dense, 10–15 nm thick layer of highly cross linked protein on the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane of epidermal corneocytes; it is highly resistant to proteolytic… …   Medical dictionary

  • envelope — (en vē lōp) 1. All the structures outside the plasma membrane in bacterial cells. 2. In virology it is an outer membranous layer that surrounds the nucleocapsid in some viruses …   Dictionary of microbiology

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