outdoor paint

outdoor paint
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outdoor paint" в других словарях:

  • paint|ed — «PAYN tihd», adjective. 1. depicted or executed in colors; coated or decorated with paint: »Painted Bulletins, the next most popular form of outdoor advertising, are usually larger than posters, and are often illuminated (Marion Harper, Jr.). 2.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Paint-ball — Paintball Deux joueurs avec leurs équipements Le paintball est une activité sportive ou de loisir opposant deux équipes dont les joueurs sont équipés de masques de protection et de lanceurs (ou marqueurs). Les lanceurs propulsent par air comprimé …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Paint ball — Paintball Deux joueurs avec leurs équipements Le paintball est une activité sportive ou de loisir opposant deux équipes dont les joueurs sont équipés de masques de protection et de lanceurs (ou marqueurs). Les lanceurs propulsent par air comprimé …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nova Color Artists Acrylic Paint — was first manufactured in Culver City, California in 1965 shortly after the commercial introduction of acrylic polymer resin for paint production. Mexican immigrant Carlos Amparan developed a line of brilliantly colored fine art acrylic paint… …   Wikipedia

  • Toy wagon — A T handled child s wagon in the Netherlands. A toy wagon has the same structure as the traditional, larger wagon, but is much smaller and has an open top. An average wagon is able to seat one child, and is generally propelled by human power… …   Wikipedia

  • Zinc pyrithione — Chembox new ImageFile = Zink Pyrithion.svg ImageSize = ImageFile1 = Zinc pyrithione dimer 3D balls.png ImageSize1 = 250 IUPACName = bis(2 pyridylthio)zinc 1,1 dioxide OtherNames = ZnP, pyrithione zinc, zinc OMADINE Section1 = Chembox Identifiers… …   Wikipedia

  • Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview        Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… …   Universalium

  • art conservation and restoration — Maintenance and preservation of works of art, their protection from future damage, deterioration, or neglect, and the repair or renovation of works that have deteriorated or been damaged. Research in art history has relied heavily on 20th and… …   Universalium

  • environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… …   Universalium

  • Camp Massad (Manitoba) — Camp Massad (Machaneh Massad/מחנה מסד in Hebrew) is a Hebrew speaking Jewish and Zionist summer camp for campers aged 7 to 16 located at Winnipeg Beach in Manitoba, Canada. The camp was founded in 1953. Leona Billinkoff ( Gveret B ) was the first …   Wikipedia

  • Oil painting — Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1503–06 Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil especially in early modern Europe, linseed oil. Often an oil such as linseed was boiled w …   Wikipedia

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