- out-work
1. сущ.
1) надомная работа
2) работа вне завода
2. гл. обгонять кого-л. в работе, работать лучше и быстрее
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
out|work — «noun. OWT WURK; verb. owt WURK», noun, verb, worked or wrought, work|ing. –n. 1. the part of the fortifications of a place lying outside the main ones; a less important defense: »the outworks of a castle. 2. work upon the outside or exterior of… … Useful english dictionary
out|work|er — «OWT WUR kuhr», noun. a person who works outside, as outdoors or outside a factory … Useful english dictionary
out·work·er — /ˈaʊtˌwɚkɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] Brit : a person who does work for a business, company, etc., at home … Useful english dictionary
work — ► NOUN 1) activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result. 2) such activity as a means of earning income. 3) a task or tasks to be undertaken. 4) a thing or things done or made; the result of an action. 5) (works)… … English terms dictionary
Work-out — auch: Workout 〈[wœ:kaʊt] n. 15〉 die körperliche Konstitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [<engl. work out „trainieren“] * * * Work out, Work|out [ wə:k|a̮ut ], das od. der; s, s [engl. workout, zu: to work out =… … Universal-Lexikon
out|source — «OWT SAWRS, SOHRS», intransitive verb, transitive verb, sourced, sourc|ing. 1. to acquire (a product or parts) from an outside source: »Ford now buys its valves from a non union Eaton corporation plant in Nebraska, and…this “outsourcing of… … Useful english dictionary
work — work1 W1S1 [wə:k US wə:rk] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(do a job for money)¦ 2¦(do your job)¦ 3¦(help)¦ 4¦(do an activity)¦ 5¦(try to achieve something)¦ 6¦(machine/equipment)¦ 7¦(be effective/successful)¦ 8¦(have an effect)¦ 9¦(art/style/literature)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
work — 1 verb DO A JOB 1 (I) to do a job that you are paid for: Harry is 78, and still working. (+ for): David works for the BBC. | work as a secretary/builder etc: She works as a management consultant for a design company. | work long hours/nights etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Work It Out (Beyoncé Knowles song) — Infobox Single Name = Work It Out Artist = Beyoncé Album = Austin Powers in Goldmember soundtrack Released = June 11, 2002 [ [http://billboard.com/bbcom/discography/more.jsp?tp=singles pid=317670 aid=538870 Beyonce Knowles Discography Work It Out … Wikipedia
work — ▪ I. work work 1 [wɜːk ǁ wɜːrk] verb 1. [intransitive] to do a job that you are paid for: • Harry is 78 and still working. • Most of the people I went to school with work in factories. work for • David works for a broadcasting company … Financial and business terms
work — work1 [ wɜrk ] verb *** ▸ 1 have job ▸ 2 spend time doing something ▸ 3 operate well ▸ 4 have effect ▸ 5 move gradually ▸ 6 shape a substance ▸ 7 do calculation ▸ 8 grow crops on land ▸ 9 dig substances out ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive to have a … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English