Смотреть что такое "out-settlement" в других словарях:
out-settlement — … Useful english dictionary
out of court — Actions, including negotiations between parties or their attorneys, without any direct involvement of a judge or the judicial system. Most commonly it refers to an out of court settlement in which the parties work out a settlement agreement,… … Law dictionary
out-of-court settlement — n. An agreement reached privately by the parties to a lawsuit, settling their grievances and ending the lawsuit without intervention by the court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… … Law dictionary
Out of the Blue (2006 film) — Out of the Blue Directed by Robert Sarkies Produced by Steven O Meagher Tim White … Wikipedia
Settlement — Set tle*ment, n. 1. The act of setting, or the state of being settled. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Establishment in life, in business, condition, etc.; ordination or installation as pastor. [1913 Webster] Every man living has a design in his … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
out-of-court — UK US /ˌaʊtəvˈkɔːt/ adjective [before noun] ► LAW an out of court agreement or deal is made between people involved in a legal argument without a decision needing to made in a court of law: a(n) out of court settlement/agreement/deal »The case… … Financial and business terms
out-of-court settlement — n an agreement to end a legal argument, in which one side agrees to pay money to the other so that the problem is not brought to court →settle sth out of court at ↑court1 (1) … Dictionary of contemporary English
settlement risk — The risk is that one party may perform on its obligation upon settlement of a financial instrument but the other might not, leaving the non defaulting party in the position of having paid out under the contract and received nothing in return.… … Law dictionary
settlement — [n1] decision, conclusion adjustment, agreement, arrangement, clearance, compact, compensation, completion, conclusion, confirmation, contract, covenant, deal, defrayal, determination, discharge, disposition, establishment, happy medium*,… … New thesaurus
out–of–court — adj 1: not made under oath or affirmation as part of a judicial proceeding (as a trial or deposition) an out–of–court statement 2: not made or done as part of a judicial proceeding an out–of–court settlement Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
out-of-court — adj. Arranged privately, outside of court or trial, by parties to a lawsuit. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. out of court adj. Done … Law dictionary