
политическая партия, не стоящая у власти;
оппозиционная партия - a minority * политическая партия, находящаяся в меньшинстве (в парламенте и т. п.) ;
небольшая по численности оппозиционная партия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "out-party" в других словарях:

  • out-party — see out 4 …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming-out party — coming out party, a formal party or reception celebrating the introduction of a young woman into the established polite society of a given city or region; debut …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming-out party — noun A celebratory social gathering, with music, dancing, and refreshments, at which a young debutante is formally introduced to society. Now tell me, when do you mean to have your coming out party? I ask because Ive nothing ready and want plenty …   Wiktionary

  • out-par|ty — «OWT PAHR tee», noun, plural ties. a political party not in power: »For a minority out party, any position except “me too” almost inevitably is going to become simple opposition (Tom Wicker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming out party — {n. phr.} A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. * /Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • coming out party — {n. phr.} A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. * /Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • coming\ out\ party — n. phr. A debutante party in which a young girl is formally introduced to society. Coming out parties used to be more popular in the early twentieth century than nowadays, primarily because they cost a lot of money …   Словарь американских идиом

  • chill-out party — /ˈtʃɪl aʊt pati/ (say chil owt pahtee) noun (plural chill out parties) a party intended to provide relaxation after a time of strenuous activity, such as a festival, a year of study, etc …  

  • out — /owt/, adv. 1. away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner. 2. away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town. 3. in or into the outdoors: to… …   Universalium

  • out — [[t]aʊt[/t]] adv. 1) not in the usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order[/ex] 2) away from one s home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town[/ex] 3) in or into the outdoors: to go out for a walk[/ex] 4) to a… …   From formal English to slang

  • Party of Estonian Christian Democrats — Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid Leader Aldo Vinkel …   Wikipedia

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