out-of-focus image

out-of-focus image
расфокусированное изображение;
нечеткое [нерезкое] изображение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "out-of-focus image" в других словарях:

  • Out-of-focus image — Изображение не в фокусе, нерезкое изображение …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • focus — [fō′kəs] n. pl. focuses or foci [fō′sī΄] [ModL, adopted in math. senses by KEPLER Johannes (1604) < L, fireplace, hearth < ? IE base * bhok , to flame, burn > ? Arm boc̣, flame] 1. the point where rays of light, heat, etc. or waves of… …   English World dictionary

  • focus — ► NOUN (pl. focuses or foci) 1) the centre of interest or activity. 2) the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition: his face is out of focus. 3) the point at which an object must be situated with respect to a lens or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Focus (optics) — An image that is partially in focus, but mostly out of focus in varying degrees. In geometrical optics, a focus, also called an image point, is the point where light rays originating from a point on the object converge.[1] Although the focus is… …   Wikipedia

  • focus — [[t]fo͟ʊsaɪ[/t]] ♦♦ focuses, focusing, focused (The spellings focusses, focussing, focussed are also used. The plural of the noun can be either foci or focuses.) 1) V ERG If you focus on a particular topic or if your attention is focused on it,… …   English dictionary

  • focus — /ˈfoʊkəs / (say fohkuhs) noun (plural focuses or foci /ˈfoʊkaɪ/ (say fohkuy), /ˈfoʊki/ (say fohkee), /ˈfoʊsaɪ/ (say fohsuy)) 1. Physics a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation, meet after being refracted or reflected. 2. Optics …  

  • focus — focusable, adj. focuser, n. /foh keuhs/, n., pl. focuses, foci / suy, kuy/, v., focused, focusing or (esp. Brit.) focussed, focussing. n. 1. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: The need to prevent a nuclear war became the… …   Universalium

  • focus — n. & v. n. (pl. focuses or foci) 1 Physics a the point at which rays or waves meet after reflection or refraction. b the point from which diverging rays or waves appear to proceed. Also called focal point. 2 a Optics the point at which an object… …   Useful english dictionary

  • focus — fo•cus [[t]ˈfoʊ kəs[/t]] n. pl. cus•es, ci ( sī, kī) 1) a central point, as of attention or activity 2) phs a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted or reflected 3) opt a) the focal point of a lens b)… …   From formal English to slang

  • Image scanner — Desktop scanner, with the lid raised. An object has been laid on the glass, ready for scanning …   Wikipedia

  • focus — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. point; focal or central point; concentration, convergence; center, hub, core, heart, nucleus; sharpness. v. concentrate, converge; centralize, contract; rally, gather, meet. See middle, vision. II… …   English dictionary for students

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