- out-of-action
- вышедший из строя;
неработающий, бездействующий;
неисправный, в неисправном состоянии
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
out of action — 1. Not working 2. Temporarily unfit to participate • • • Main Entry: ↑action * * * temporarily unable to engage in a certain activity; not working a heart attack put him out of action | the ship was out of action for 16 days * * * out of action … Useful english dictionary
out of action — {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for the entire football season./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of action — {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for the entire football season./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of action — ► not able to be used: »The elevators were out of action and we had to walk up to his office. Main Entry: ↑out … Financial and business terms
out of action — ► out of action not working. Main Entry: ↑action … English terms dictionary
out\ of\ action — • be out of action • out of action adv. phr. Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be quiescent. American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action during World War II. When I broke my leg I was out of action for the entire football season. ••… … Словарь американских идиом
out of action — 1) if someone is out of action, they are injured or too ill to perform their usual activities Her broken wrist will put her out of action for at least a month. 2) if something is out of action, it cannot be used, for example because it is broken… … English dictionary
out of action — • be out of action • out of action to not work or operate; to fail to function or to stop working/operating/functioning … Idioms and examples
out of action — not able to work or be active. That accident forced my boss out of action for almost a month. Usage notes: also said of machines or systems: The explosion put the ship out of action … New idioms dictionary
out of action — not working. → action … English new terms dictionary
out of action — not working … English contemporary dictionary