Смотреть что такое "out-conveyor" в других словарях:
Conveyor belt sushi — (回転寿司, kaiten zushi?) (also called sushi go round (くるくる寿司, kuru kuru sushi?)) is the pop … Wikipedia
Conveyor (sternwheeler) — Conveyor on Fraser River 1913 Career (Canada) … Wikipedia
Conveyor system — Conveyor redirects here. For other uses, see Conveyor (disambiguation). This article is about conveyor systems. For information on conveyor belts, see conveyor belts. For information on overhead conveyors, see overhead conveyors. An overhead… … Wikipedia
Conveyor belt — This article is about industrial conveyor belts. For information on the global flow of sea currents, see Thermohaline circulation. Point of contact between a power transmission belt and its pulley. A conveyor belt uses a wide belt and pulleys and … Wikipedia
Conveyor belt furnace — A conveyor belt furnace is a furnace uses a conveyor or belt to carry process parts or material through the primary heating chamber for rapid thermal processing. It is designed for fast drying and curing of products and is nowadays widely used in … Wikipedia
Atlantic Conveyor — The Atlantic Conveyor was a British merchant navy ship, registered in Liverpool, that was requisitioned during the Falklands War and sunk after being hit by two Exocet missiles. The wrecksite is designated under the Protection of Military Remains … Wikipedia
Overburden Conveyor Bridge F60 — The F60 in Lichterfeld, along the entire length F60 is the series designation of five overburden conveyor bridges used in brown coal (lignite) opencast mining in the Lusatian coalfields in Germany. They were built by the former Volkseigener… … Wikipedia
surge conveyor — A part of the mail conveying system that holds back surges and meters out an even flow, keeping all mail in sequence. (Also see conveyor) … Glossary of postal terms
leave out — verb 1. prevent from being included or considered or accepted (Freq. 3) The bad results were excluded from the report Leave off the top piece • Syn: ↑exclude, ↑except, ↑leave off, ↑omit, ↑take out … Useful english dictionary
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport — 广州白云国际机场 Guǎngzhōu Báiyún Guójì Jīchǎng … Wikipedia
Cub Foods — Cub Foods, Inc. Type Subsidiary of SuperValu Inc. Industry Retail, Grocery products = Bakery, dairy, deli, frozen foods, grocery, meat, pharmacy, produce, seafood, snacks, liquor … Wikipedia