out of plumb
Смотреть что такое "out of plumb" в других словарях:
out of plumb — adverb or off plumb : out of the vertical : out of true * * * not exactly vertical the towers are inclined, from four to ten feet out of plumb … Useful english dictionary
out of plumb — or off plumb phrasal out of vertical or true … New Collegiate Dictionary
out of plumb — not perpendicular, not at a right angle; not true, false … English contemporary dictionary
plumb — [plum] n. [ME plumbe < MFr plomb < L plumbum, LEAD2 < non IE source > Gr molybdos] a lead weight (plumb bob) hung at the end of a line (plumb line), used to determine how deep water is or whether a wall, etc. is vertical adj.… … English World dictionary
plumb — 1 verb (T) 1 plumb the depths of despair/misery/bad taste etc to express a bad quality or feel an unpleasant emotion in a very extreme way: When his wife left him Matt plumbed the very depths of despair. 2 to succeed in understanding something… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
plumb — plumb1 [plʌm] v [T] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: plumb metal weight on a plumb line (13 21 centuries), from Old French plomb lead , from Latin plumbum] 1.) plumb the depths (of despair/misery/bad taste etc) to feel an unpleasant emotion in a very… … Dictionary of contemporary English
plumb — 1. n., adv., adj., & v. n. a ball of lead or other heavy material, esp. one attached to the end of a line for finding the depth of water or determining the vertical on an upright surface. adv. 1 exactly (plumb in the centre). 2 vertically. 3 US… … Useful english dictionary
plumb — /plʌm / (say plum) noun 1. a small mass of lead or heavy material, used for various purposes. 2. the position of a plumbline when freely suspended; the perpendicular. –adjective Also, plum. 3. true according to a plumbline; perpendicular. 4.… …
out of line — Synonyms and related words: aberrant, abnormal, abominable, approximate, approximative, atrocious, bad, criminal, delinquent, deviant, disgraceful, disorderly, disruptive, evil, hardly the thing, ignominious, ill adapted, ill assorted, ill chosen … Moby Thesaurus
Plumb (singer) — Plumb Birth name Tiffany Arbuckle Born March 9, 1975 (1975 03 09) (age 36) Origin Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Genres … Wikipedia
plumb — Synonyms and related words: T square, absolute, absolutely, accurately, all embracing, all encompassing, all out, all pervading, answer, aplomb, appraise, appreciate, assay, assess, at right angles, azimuth circle, bang, bar, barricade, batten,… … Moby Thesaurus