out of fashion
Смотреть что такое "out of fashion" в других словарях:
out of fashion — {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters, but it may very well come back some day./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of fashion — {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters, but it may very well come back some day./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out of fashion — index defunct, outmoded Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
out-of-fashion — index outdated Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
out of fashion — Old fashioned Old fash ioned, a. Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; belonging to or characteristic of times past; adhering to old customs, styles, or ideas; as, an old fashioned dress, girl; old fashioned wire rimmed glasses … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
out of fashion — UNFASHIONABLE, dated, old fashioned, out of date, outdated, outmoded, behind the times; unstylish, unpopular, passé, démodé; informal old hat, out, square, out of the ark. → fashion * * * out of fashion 1. Old fashioned … Useful english dictionary
out of fashion — sorry, Dad, that necktie is completely out of fashion Syn: unfashionable, dated, old fashioned, out of date, outdated, outmoded, behind the times; unstylish, untrendy, unpopular, passé, démodé; informal old hat, out, square, uncool … Thesaurus of popular words
out of fashion — ► in (or out of) fashion fashionable (or unfashionable). Main Entry: ↑fashion … English terms dictionary
out\ of\ fashion — adj. phr. Having passed from vogue; out of the current mode. The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters, but it may very well come back some day … Словарь американских идиом
out of fashion — adjective unfashionable, not in fashion … Wiktionary
out of fashion — See out of date … New dictionary of synonyms