
ˈaustə сущ.;
1) лишение права на недвижимость, лишение имущества;
выселение (особ. по суду или в результате революции или политического переворота)
2) увольнение Syn : dismissal, expulsion (юридическое) лишение владения;
выселение (особ. незаконное) (военное) (разговорное) увольнение в отставку снятие с должности;
- the opposition called for the * of the Cabinet minister оппозиция потребовала снятия министра с его поста ouster юр. выселение, отнятие имущества (особ. незаконное)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ouster" в других словарях:

  • ouster — oust·er / au̇s tər/ n 1: wrongful dispossession esp. of a cotenant 2: a judgment removing a public officer or depriving a corporation of a public franchise Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Ouster — Oust er, n. [Prob. fr. the OF. infin. oster, used substantively. See {Oust}.] A putting out of possession; dispossession; disseizin; of a person. [1913 Webster] Ouster of the freehold is effected by abatement, intrusion, disseizin, discontinuance …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ouster — ous‧ter [ˈaʊstə ǁ ər] noun [countable] JOURNALISM an act of removing someone from a powerful job, position etc in order to take their place: • The board faced an ouster by shareholders after it rejected a $55 a share offer. * * * ouster UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • ouster — (n.) 1530s, noun use of Anglo Fr. ouster (see OUST (Cf. oust)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ouster — may refer to: A cause of action available to one who is refused access to their concurrent estate In Dan Simmons Hyperion universe, Ousters are a branch of humanity that chose to travel/live in space, between the stars , as opposed to dwelling in …   Wikipedia

  • ouster — [n] ejection banishment, disbarment, discharge, dismissal, eviction, expulsion, loss of right, overthrow, removal, sack, the heave ho*; concepts 179,222 …   New thesaurus

  • ouster — [ous′tər] n. [Anglo Fr, inf. used as n.: see OUST] 1. a person or thing that ousts 2. Law an ousting or being ousted, esp. from real property; legal eviction or unlawful dispossession …   English World dictionary

  • ouster — A putting out; dispossession; amotion of possession. A species of injuries to things real, by which the wrong doer gains actual occupation of the land, and compels the rightful owner to seek his legal remedy in order to gain possession. An ouster …   Black's law dictionary

  • ouster — ous|ter [ˈaustə US ər] n [U] AmE [Date: 1500 1600; : Anglo French; Origin: OUST] when someone is removed from a position of power or from a competition used in news reports sb s ouster/the ouster of sb ▪ the ouster of the brutal dictatorship …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ouster — Dispossession Dis pos*ses sion, n. [Cf. F. d[ e]possession.] 1. The act of putting out of possession; the state of being dispossessed. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The putting out of possession, wrongfully or otherwise, of one who is in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ouster — noun Etymology: Anglo French, from oster, ouster to oust Date: 1531 1. a. a wrongful dispossession b. a judgment removing an officer or depriving a corporation of a franchise 2. expulsion …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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