- ottava rima
- (итальянское) (стихосложение) итальянская октава, восьмистрочная строфа пятистопного ямба
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ottava rima — Ottava rima is a verse form originating in late medieval Italy, consisting of stanzas of eight hendesyllabic (or 11 syllable) lines rhyming abababcc. The form was popularized by BOCCACCIO, who first used it in his Il FILOSTRATO (ca. 1339) and… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Ottava Rima — [italienisch] die, , Ottava, Oktave, eine seit dem Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts in erzählender Dichtung belegte italienische Strophenform aus acht elfsilbigen jambischen Versen mit weiblichem Ausgang, von denen die ersten sechs abwechselnd, die… … Universal-Lexikon
ottava rima — 1820, from It., eight lined stanza, lit. eighth rhyme, from ottava eighth (see OCTAVE (Cf. octave)). A stanza of eight 11 syllable lines, rhymed a b a b a b c c, but in the Byronic variety, they are English heroic lines of 10 syllables … Etymology dictionary
Ottava rima — Ot*ta va ri ma [It. See {Octave}, and {Rhyme}.] (Pros.) A stanza of eight lines of heroic verse, with three rhymes, the first six lines rhyming alternately and the last two forming a couplet. It was used by Byron in Don Juan, by Keats in Isabella … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ottava rima — ● ottava rima nom féminin (mots italiens signifiant huitième rime) Strophe de huit vers, portée à sa perfection par l Arioste et le Tasse (suivant la forme a b a b a b c c), également utilisée par Camões … Encyclopédie Universelle
ottava rima — [ō tä΄və rē′mə; ō̂ tä΄vä rē′mä] [It: see OCTAVE & RHYME] a stanza of eight lines with the rhyme scheme abababcc: the Italian form has eleven syllables in a line, the English, usually ten iambic pentameter syllables … English World dictionary
Ottava rima — For etymology and similar terms see Octave. Ottava rima is a rhyming stanza form of Italian origin. Originally used for long poems on heroic themes, it later came to be popular in the writing of mock heroic works. Its earliest known use is in the … Wikipedia
ottava rima — /oh tah veuh ree meuh/, pl. ottava rimas. an Italian stanza of eight lines, each of eleven syllables (or, in the English adaptation, of ten or eleven syllables), the first six lines rhyming alternately and the last two forming a couplet with a… … Universalium
Ottava rima — Die Stanze (Ottava rima) ist eine aus Italien stammende Gedichtform, die aus acht elfsilbigen Verszeilen mit dem Reimschema abababcc besteht. Im Deutschen weist die Stanze meist abwechselnd weibliche und männliche Kadenzen, fünfhebige Verse mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ottava rima — noun (plural ottava rimas) Etymology: Italian, literally, eighth rhyme Date: 1820 a stanza of eight lines of heroic verse with a rhyme scheme of abababcc … New Collegiate Dictionary
ottava rima — otta′va ri′ma [[t]ˈri mə[/t]] n. pl. ottava ri•mas pro an Italian stanza of eight lines, each of eleven syllables, the first six lines rhyming alternately and the last two forming a couplet with a different rhyme • Etymology: 1810–20; < It:… … From formal English to slang