Otherways — Oth er*ways ([u^][th] [ e]r*w[=a]z ), adv. See {Otherwise}. Tyndale. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
otherways — adverb Otherwise; by another means; differently; in other respects; contrarily … Wiktionary
otherways — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adverb Etymology: Middle English other wayes, from other + wayes, gen. of way chiefly dialect : otherwise … Useful english dictionary
-ways — suffix forming adjectives and adverbs of direction or manner (sideways) (cf. WISE). Etymology: WAY + S * * * ˌwāzfl>adverb suffix Etymology: Middle English ways, weys, from ways, weyes, wayes, gen. of way, wey way more at way : in ( … Useful english dictionary
Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford — The Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, unknown artist after lost orig … Wikipedia
First English Civil War — The First English Civil War (1642–1646) was the first of three wars known as the English Civil War (or Wars ). The English Civil War was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations which took place between Parliamentarians and… … Wikipedia
Lochry's Defeat — Lochry s Defeat, also known as the Lochry massacre, was a battle fought on August 24, 1781, near present day Aurora, Indiana, in the United States. The battle was part of the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), which began as a conflict… … Wikipedia
Днепрошина — Эта статья должна быть полностью переписана. На странице обсуждения могут быть пояснения … Википедия
Днепропетровский шинный завод — Днепрошина Год основания 1956 Тип Публичная компания Расположение Днепропетровск (Укр … Википедия
æquilibrium — noun <ref name= OED alt >“[ … Wiktionary