others people money
Смотреть что такое "others people money" в других словарях:
Money laundering — is the process of disguising illegal sources of money so that it looks like it came from legal sources.[1] The methods by which money may be laundered are varied and can range in sophistication. Many regulatory and governmental authorities quote… … Wikipedia
Money Trust — The main belief behind the concept of a money trust is that control of the majority of the world s financial wealth and political power could be controlled by a powerful few. Contents 1 Pujo Committee 2 Money Trust Quotes 3 Notes 4 … Wikipedia
People's Republic of Poland — Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa Satellite state of the Soviet Union ← … Wikipedia
People's Park — in Berkeley, California, USA is a park off Telegraph Avenue, bounded by Haste and Bowditch Streets and Dwight Way, near the University of California, Berkeley. The park was created during the radical political activism of the late 1960s. Today it … Wikipedia
money talks — The wealthy have much influence • • • Main Entry: ↑money * * * money talks informal phrase used for saying that money gives you power Money talks in today’s harsh economic climate. Thesaurus: relating to money and possessions … Useful english dictionary
Money (Blackadder) — Money Episode no. Series 2 Episode 4 Directed by Mandie Fletcher Written by Ben Elton Richard Curtis Original ai … Wikipedia
People of Praise — is a Christian ecumenical charismatic covenant community. It presently consists of 21 branches in the United States of America, Canada, and the Caribbean, with a total of approximately 3,000 [ as early as 1987, People of Praise consisted of some… … Wikipedia
People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam — Tamil name தமிழீழ மக்கள் விடுதலைக் கழகம் Leader Dharmalingam Sidarthan Founder Uma Maheswaran Founded 1980 … Wikipedia
People's Union for Civil Liberties — is a prominent civil rights organisation in India. It was formed in 1976 by veteran socialist and campaign leader Jaya Prakash Narayan (also known as JP), who launched it as the People s Union for Civil Liberties and Democratic Rights… … Wikipedia
Money-rich, time-poor — is an expression which arose in Britain at the end of the 20th century to describe groups of people who, whilst having a high disposable income through well paid employment, have relatively little leisure time as a result. The phrase is still in… … Wikipedia
money — moneyless, adj. /mun ee/, n., pl. moneys, monies, adj. n. 1. any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits. 2. See paper money. 3. gold, silver, or other metal in pieces of convenient form stamped by public … Universalium