- osteomyelitis
- сущ.;
мед. остеомиелит, воспаление костного мозга (медицина) остеомиелит
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Osteomyelitis — Classification and external resources Osteomyelitis of the tibia of a young child. Numerous abscesses in the bone show as radiolucency. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Osteomyelītis — (griech.), soviel wie Knochenmarkentzündung … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
osteomyelitis — [äs΄tē ōmī΄ə līt′is] n. [ModL: see OSTEO & MYELITIS] infection of bone marrow or bone structures, usually caused by a bacterium (genus Staphylococcus) that produces pus … English World dictionary
Osteomyelitis — Die Osteomyelitis (Mehrzahl Osteomyelitiden; von altgriechisch ὀστέον, ostéon, Mehrzahl ὀστέα ostéa, „Knochen“ [vergleiche lateinisch anatomisch os, ossis], griechisch μυελός, myelós, „Mark“ und itis) ist eine infektiöse Entzündung des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
osteomyelitis — /os tee oh muy euh luy tis/, n. Pathol. an inflammation of the bone and bone marrow, usually caused by bacterial infection. [1850 55; OSTEO + MYELITIS] * * * ▪ pathology infection of bone tissue. The condition is most commonly caused by the… … Universalium
Osteomyelitis — Inflammation of the bone due to infection, for example by the bacteria salmonella or staphylococcus. Osteomyelitis is sometimes a complication of surgery or injury, although infection can also reach bone tissue through the bloodstream. Both the… … Medical dictionary
osteomyelitis — n. inflammation of bone due to infection. Acute osteomyelitis occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the bloodstream and is more common in children. There is severe pain, tenderness, and redness over the involved bone, accompanied by general… … The new mediacal dictionary
Osteomyelitis — Entzündung des Knochenmarks * * * Os|teo|my|e|li|tis 〈f.; , ti|den; Med.〉 Knochenmarkentzündung * * * Osteomyelitis [zu griechisch myelós »Mark«] die, /... tiden, die Knochenmarkentzündung. * * * Os|teo|my|e|li|tis, die; , ...iti … Universal-Lexikon
osteomyelitis — Inflammation of the bone caused by an infection, which may spread to the bone marrow and tissues near the bone. Osteomyelitis can cause severe pain in the infected bone. If it is not treated, it can kill bone tissue … English dictionary of cancer terms
osteomyelitis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1854 an infectious usually painful inflammatory disease of bone often of bacterial origin that may result in the death of bone tissue … New Collegiate Dictionary
osteomyelitis — Inflammation of bone marrow caused by infection … Dictionary of molecular biology