ostensible purpose
Смотреть что такое "ostensible purpose" в других словарях:
ostensible purpose — index pretense (pretext), pretext Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ostensible — adjective the ostensible star is Lana Turner, but it s Juanita Moore who makes the movie click Syn: apparent, outward, superficial, professed, supposed, alleged, purported Ant: genuine •• ostensible, apparent, illusory, seeming The apparent… … Thesaurus of popular words
ostensible — adjective seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something but usually hiding the real reason or purpose: The ostensible purpose of the war was to liberate a small nation from tyranny … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ostensible — [[t]ɒste̱nsɪb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Ostensible is used to describe something that seems to be true or is officially stated to be true, but about which you or other people have doubts. [FORMAL] The ostensible purpose of these meetings was to gather… … English dictionary
ostensible — adjective Etymology: French, from Latin ostensus, past participle of ostendere to show, from obs , ob in the way + tendere to stretch more at ob , thin Date: circa 1771 1. intended for display ; open to view 2. being such in appearance ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ostensible — os|ten|si|ble [ɔˈstensıbəl US a: ] adj [Date: 1700 1800; : French; Origin: Latin ostendere to show ] seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something, but usually hiding the real reason or purpose ostensible reason/purpose/aim ▪ The… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Ostensible authority — In law, ostensible authority refers to the apparent authority of an agent (usually a company director) of a company as it appears to others, [ Hely Hutchison v Brayhead Ltd [1968] 1 QB 549 at 583] and it can operate both to enlarge actual… … Wikipedia
international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political… … Universalium
pretext — I noun affectation, alibi, alleged purpose, alleged reason, camouflage, charade, claim, cover, deception, defense, disguise, evasion, excuse, fabrication, false appearance, false ground, false motive, false pretense, false reason, false show,… … Law dictionary
apparent — 1 *evident, manifest, patent, distinct, obvious, palpable, plain, clear Analogous words: discernible, noticeable (see corresponding verbs at SEE): *perceptible, ponderable, tangible, appreciable Antonyms: unintelligible Contrasted words: *obscure … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pretense — I (ostentation) noun affectation, affectedness, airs, artificiality, blatancy, bravado, demonstration, display, empty show, false appearance, false show, fanfaronade, flagrancy, flashiness, flourish, fuss, garishness, gaudiness, glare, glitter,… … Law dictionary