- orthorhombic
1) ромбический
2) призматический
3) трехмерный ∙ - orthorhombic lattice ромбический (о кристалле)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Orthorhombic — Or tho*rhom bic, a. [Ortho + rhombic.] (Crystallog.) Noting the system of crystallization which has three unequal axes at right angles to each other; trimetric. See {Crystallization}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orthorhombic — [ôr΄thō räm′bik] adj. [ ORTHO + RHOMBIC] designating or of a crystal system having three axes of unequal length, each of which intersects at right angles with the others: see CRYSTAL SYSTEM … English World dictionary
Orthorhombic crystal system — An example of the orthorhombic crystals, aragonite In crystallography, the orthorhombic crystal system is one of the seven lattice point groups. Orthorhombic lattices result from stretching a cubic lattice along two of its orthogonal pairs by two … Wikipedia
orthorhombic system — ▪ crystallography one of the structural categories systems to which crystalline solids can be assigned. Crystals in this system are referred to three mutually perpendicular axes that are unequal in length. If the atoms or atom groups in the … Universalium
orthorhombic lattice — rombinė gardelė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Elementarioji gardelė, kurios kampai statūs, o kraštinės tarpusavyje nelygios. atitikmenys: angl. orthorhombic lattice; rhombic lattice rus. ромбическая решетка … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
orthorhombic lattice — rombinė gardelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. orthorhombic lattice; rhombic lattice vok. rhombisches Gitter, n rus. ромбическая решётка, f pranc. réseau orthorombique, m; réseau rhombique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
orthorhombic structure — rombinė sandara statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. orthorhombic structure; rhombic structure vok. orthorhombische Struktur, f; rhombische Struktur, f rus. орторомбическая структура, f; ромбическая структура, f pranc. structure… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
orthorhombic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: circa 1859 of, relating to, or constituting a system of crystallization characterized by three unequal axes at right angles to each other … New Collegiate Dictionary
orthorhombic — /awr theuh rom bik/, adj. Crystall. noting or pertaining to a system of crystallization characterized by three unequal axes intersecting at right angles; rhombic; trimetric. Cf. crystal system. [1865 70; ORTHO + RHOMBIC] * * * … Universalium
orthorhombic — adjective Having three unequal axes at right angles … Wiktionary
orthorhombic — or·tho·rhom·bic .ȯr thə räm bik adj of, relating to, or constituting a system of crystallization characterized by three unequal axes at right angles to each other * * * or·tho·rhom·bic (or″tho romґbik) having three unequal axes intersected … Medical dictionary