- orthopedic
- ˌɔ:θəuˈpi:dɪk прил.;
мед. ортопедический Orthopedic orthopedic, orthopaedic мед. ортопедический orthopedic, orthopaedic мед. ортопедический
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Orthopedic — Or tho*ped ic, Orthopedical Or tho*ped ic*al, a. (Med.) Of, pertaining to, or employed in, orthopedics; relating to the prevention or cure of deformities of children, or, in general, of the human body at any age; as, orthopedic surgery; an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orthopedic — 1840, from Fr. orthopédique, coined by French physician Nicholas Andry (1658 1742), from Gk. orthos straight, correct (see ORTHO (Cf. ortho )) + paideia rearing of children, from pais (gen. paidos) child (see PEDO (Cf. pedo )) … Etymology dictionary
orthopedic — or·tho·pe·dic or chiefly Brit or·tho·pae·dic .ȯr thə pēd ik adj 1) of, relating to, or employed in orthopedics <orthopedic surgery> <orthopedic casts> 2) marked by or affected with a deformity, disorder, or injury of the skeleton and … Medical dictionary
orthopedic — or|tho|pe|dic also orthopaedic BrE [ˌo:θəˈpi:dık US ˌo:r ] adj [Date: 1800 1900; : French; Origin: orthopédique, from Greek ortho ( ORTHODOX) + pais child ] 1.) relating to the medical treatment of problems that affect a people s bones or muscles … Dictionary of contemporary English
orthopedic — or|tho|pe|dic [ ,ɔrθə pidık ] adjective 1. ) only before noun relating to the medical treatment of injuries and diseases affecting bones and muscles: an orthopedic surgeon 2. ) usually before noun designed to be used by people with injuries or… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
orthopedic — adjective 1 connected with or providing medical treatment for problems affecting bones, muscles etc: an orthopaedic surgeon 2 orthopedic bed/chair/shoe etc one that is designed to cure or prevent medical problems affecting your bones, muscles etc … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
orthopedic — adjective of or relating to orthopedics (Freq. 1) orthopedic shoes • Syn: ↑orthopaedic, ↑orthopedical • Pertains to noun: ↑orthopedics (for: ↑orthopedical) … Useful english dictionary
Orthopedic surgery — Intervention MeSH D019637 … Wikipedia
Orthopedic oncologist — An orthopedic (orthopaedic) oncologist is a medical doctor and surgeon who specializes in the diagnoses and treatment of primary benign and malignant tumors of the bones. An orthopedic oncologist in the United States must complete 4 years of… … Wikipedia
Orthopedic pillow — An orthopedic pillow is a pillow designed to correct body positioning in bed or while lying in any other surface. Its design conforms to orthopedic guidelines to ensure the right placement and support of one or more specific parts of the body to… … Wikipedia
Orthopedic mattress — An Orthopedic Mattress is a mattress designed to support the joints, back and the overall muscular skeletal body. [1][2] With innovations in the medical fields in the 1950s, many manufacturers of mattresses made an effort to improve their… … Wikipedia