Смотреть что такое "orthometric" в других словарях:
Orthometric — Or tho*met ric, a. [See {Orthometry}.] (Crystallog.) Having the axes at right angles to one another; said of crystals or crystalline forms. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Orthometric height — The orthometric height is the distance H along a line of force from a given point P at the physical surface of an object to the geoid. Orthometric heights are what are usually used in the US for ordinary engineering work. Values for measured… … Wikipedia
orthometric — adjective a) Having axes at right angles b) Being corrected for the curvature of the Earth … Wiktionary
orthometric — or·tho·metric … English syllables
orthometric — “+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary orth + metric : orthogonal … Useful english dictionary
Metres above the Adriatic — The Adriatic datum Metres above the Adriatic (German: Meter über Adria)[1] is an elevation reference system used in Austria and some other European countries based on the average water level of the Adriatic Sea at the Molo Sartorio in Triest… … Wikipedia
Geodesy — (pronEng|dʒiːˈɒdɪsi [OED] ), also called geodetics, a branch of earth sciences, is the scientific discipline that deals with the measurement and representation of the Earth, including its gravitational field, in a three dimensional time varying… … Wikipedia
Dynamic height — is a way of specifying the height of a point above a reference, as opposed to orthometric height or normal height. Dynamic height is constant if one follows the same gravity potential as they move from place to place. Because of variations in… … Wikipedia
Normal height — Normal heights are heights above sea level, one of several types of height which are all computed slightly differently. Alternatives are: orthometric heights and dynamic heights. The normal height H * of a point is computed from geopotential… … Wikipedia
Abraham Zelmanov — (May 15, 1913 February 2, 1987) a prominent scientist working in the General Theory of Relativity and cosmology. He first constructed, in 1944, the complete mathematical method to calculate physical observable quantities in the General Theory of… … Wikipedia
North American Vertical Datum of 1988 — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · … Wikipedia