orthographic reform

orthographic reform
реформа орфографии Syn : spelling reform

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "orthographic reform" в других словарях:

  • reform — n. 1) carry out, effect a reform 2) a far reaching; radical, sweeping reform 3) (an) agrarian, land; economic; labor; orthographic, spelling; penal; social reform * * * [rɪ fɔːm] economic effect a reform labor land orthographic penal …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990 — Written varieties Portuguese speaking countries except Brazil before the 1990 agreement Brazil before the 1990 agreement All countries after the 1990 agreement translation Different pronunciation anónimo anônimo Both forms remain anonymous Vénus… …   Wikipedia

  • English language spelling reform — For hundreds of years, many groups and individuals have advocated spelling reform for English. Spelling reformers seek to make English spelling more consistent and more phonetic, so that spellings match pronunciations and follow the alphabetic… …   Wikipedia

  • English spelling reform — is the collective term for various campaigns and efforts to change the spelling of the English language to make it simpler and more rationally consistent. There exists a small scale movement among amateur and professional linguists, but one with… …   Wikipedia

  • German orthography reform of 1996 — The German orthography reform of 1996 (Rechtschreibreform) was an attempt to simplify the spelling of the German language and thus to make it easier to learn, without substantially changing the rules familiar to all living users of the language.… …   Wikipedia

  • Spelling reforms of Portuguese — This article is about the spelling reforms of the Portuguese language. Historical backgroundPortuguese began to be used regularly in documents and poetry around the 12th century. In 1290, King Diniz created the first Portuguese University in… …   Wikipedia

  • Yiddish orthography — The Yiddish language is written using Hebrew script as the basis of a full vocalic alphabet. This adaptation uses letters that are silent or glottal stops in Hebrew, as vowels in Yiddish. Other letters that can serve as both vowels and consonants …   Wikipedia

  • Kanji — This article is about the Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. For other uses, see Kanji (disambiguation). Kanji (漢字;  listen) are the adopted logographic Chinese characters hanzi[1] that are used in the modern …   Wikipedia

  • Differences between Spanish and Portuguese — Although Portuguese and Spanish are closely related, to the point of having a considerable degree of mutual intelligibility, there are also important differences between them, which can pose difficulties for people acquainted with one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Han unification — is an effort by the authors of Unicode and the Universal Character Set to map multiple character sets of the so called CJK languages into a single set of unified characters. Han characters are a common feature of written Chinese (hanzi), Japanese …   Wikipedia

  • Jernej Kopitar — (born 21 August 1780 11 August 1844) was a Slovene linguist.Kopitar was born in the small Carniolan village of Repnje near Vodice, in what was then the Habsburg Monarchy and is now in Slovenia. After graduating from the lyceum in Ljubljana, he… …   Wikipedia

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