Смотреть что такое "orphrey" в других словарях:
Orphrey — Orphrey, also spelt Orfrey or Orfray, is a form of highly detailed embroidery, in which typically simple materials are made into exquisite patterns. In 1182 and 1183 Henry II of England spent lavishly on orphreys.[1] This word comes from Old… … Wikipedia
orphrey — [ôr′frē] n. [ME orferay, taken as sing. of orfreis, orphrey < OFr < ML aurifrigium < L aurum, gold (see EAST) + ML frisium,FRIEZE1] a richly embroidered decorative band, as on a chasuble … English World dictionary
Orphrey — Or phrey, n. [See {Orfrays}.] A band of rich embroidery, wholly or in part of gold, affixed to vestments, especially those of ecclesiastics. Pugin. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orphrey — orphreyed, adj. /awr free/, n., pl. orphreys. 1. an ornamental band or border, esp. on an ecclesiastical vestment. 2. gold embroidery. 3. rich embroidery of any sort. 4. a piece of richly embroidered material. [1300 50; ME orfreis (later… … Universalium
orphrey — noun (plural orphreys) Etymology: Middle English orfrey, from Anglo French orfreis, from Medieval Latin aurifrigium, from Latin aurum gold + Phrygius Phrygian more at aureus Date: 13th century 1. a. elaborate embroidery b. a piece of such… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Orphrey — Item of rich embroidery, made with gold; sometimes used for an elaborate *amice. [< Lat. aurifrisium, a corruption of aurum = gold + Phrygium, thus Phrygian gold] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Orphrey — A band of embroidery used to ornament the vestments … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
orphrey — gold or other rich embroidery on clerical robes Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
orphrey — [ ɔ:fri] noun (plural orphreys) an ornamental stripe or border on an ecclesiastical vestment. Origin ME: from OFr. orfreis, from a med. L. alt. of auriphrygium, from L. aurum gold + Phrygius Phrygian … English new terms dictionary
Orphrey — embroidered panel found along the opening of a cope 13th century onwards term for embroidered with gold thread, especially decorating the borders of garments. Later it cam to mean narrow strips of any kind of embroidery, such as orphreys of blue … Medieval glossary
orphrey — or·phrey … English syllables