- orpharion
- орфеорион, орфарион (музыкальный инструмент)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Orpharion — Or*pha ri*on, n. (Mus.) An old instrument of the lute or cittern kind. [Spelt also {orpheoreon}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Orpharion — An orpharion, labeled cythara communis, from Kircher s Musurgia Universalis The orpharion (pronounced /ˌɔrfəˈraɪən/ or /ɔrˈfæriən/) or opherion (/ɒˈfɪəriən/) is a plucked instrument from the Renaissa … Wikipedia
Orpharion — Un Orpharion, gravure de la Musurgia Universalis d Athanasius Kircher (1650) L’orpharion est un instrument à cordes métalliques similaire au luth : il a le même accord et le même répertoire que ce dernier. Il est apparu en Angleterre dans la … Wikipédia en Français
Orpharion — Un orpharion, llamado cythara communis, de Musurgia Universalis por Athanasius Kircher. El orpharion es un instrumento de cuerda pulsada creado y utilizado durante el Renacimiento. Pertenece a la familia de la cítara. Su construcción es similar a … Wikipedia Español
Orpharion — Orpheoreon aus dem Syntagma musicum Orpheoreon. Teil der Illustration Instrumenta polychorda aus … Deutsch Wikipedia
orpharion — noun A musical instrument of the Renaissance, part of the cittern family, whose metal strings are tuned like a lute and plucked with the fingers … Wiktionary
orpharion — or·phar·i·on … English syllables
orpharion — … Useful english dictionary
orpheoreon — Orpharion Or*pha ri*on, n. (Mus.) An old instrument of the lute or cittern kind. [Spelt also {orpheoreon}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ОРФАРИОН — (Orpharion, orpheoreon, orpheoron), лютне или цитрообразный инструмент 1617 го века. о нем в лексиконе Грова … Музыкальный словарь Римана
Thomas Robinson — (c. 1560 – after 1609? (Julian calendar) ) was an English renaissance composer and music teacher, who flourished around 1600. He taught and wrote music for lute, cittern, orpharion, bandora, viol, and singing.BiographyVery little is known about… … Wikipedia