originating office
Смотреть что такое "originating office" в других словарях:
Office of the Kansas Securities Commissioner — is an independent state agency. The mission of the Office of the Kansas Securities Commissioner (KSC) is to protect and inform Kansas investors, to promote integrity and full disclosure by issuers and securities professionals, to investigate and… … Wikipedia
County record office — Contents 1 Facilities 2 Historical development of the UK Archive Network 3 Legal status for holding … Wikipedia
Terminal Railway Post Office — Terminal railway post offices were sorting facilities which were established by the Railway Mail Service to speed the distribution of parcel post. These offices were usually located in or near railroad stations in major cities or junction points … Wikipedia
Serviced office — A serviced office is an office or office building that is fully equipped and managed by a facility management company, which then rents individual offices or floors to other companies. Serviced offices, which are also referred to as managed… … Wikipedia
Direct distance dialing — (DDD) or direct dial is a telecommunications term for a network provided service feature in which a call originator may, without operator assistance, call any other user outside the local calling area. DDD requires more digits in the number… … Wikipedia
Multi-frequency — In telephony Multi Frequency (MF) is an outdated, in band signaling technique. Numbers were represented in a two out of five code for transmission from a Multi Frequency Sender, to be received by a Multi frequency receiver in a distant telephone… … Wikipedia
Spill-forward feature — In telecommunication, a spill forward feature is a service feature, in the operation of an intermediate office, that, acting on incoming trunk service treatment indications, assumes routing control of the call from the originating office. This… … Wikipedia
Multi-frequency signaling — In telephony, multi frequency signaling (MF) is an outdated, in band signaling technique. Numbers were represented in a two out of five code for transmission from a multi frequency sender, to be received by a multi frequency receiver in a distant … Wikipedia
Cheney, Washington — City Location of Cheney, Washington … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of New South Wales — This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of New South Wales, a former British colony now part of Australia.New South Wales was the first part of Australia to be settled by Europeans, and the first to operate a postal service,… … Wikipedia
scheme distribution — A systematic plan to move all mail classes from the originating office to the destinating office. It includes state schemes and city schemes … Glossary of postal terms