oriented variety

oriented variety
мат. ориентированное многообразие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oriented variety" в других словарях:

  • Aspect-oriented software development — (AOSD) is an emerging software development technology that seeks new modularizations of software systems. AOSD allows multiple concerns to be expressed separately and automatically unified into working systems.Traditional software development has …   Wikipedia

  • Histogram of oriented gradients — Histogram of Oriented Gradient descriptors, or HOG descriptors, are feature descriptors used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of object detection. The technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized… …   Wikipedia

  • Object-oriented ontology — (OOO) is a metaphysical movement that rejects the privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects.[1] Specifically, object oriented ontology opposes the anthropocentrism of Immanuel Kant s Copernican Revolution, whereby… …   Wikipedia

  • Connection-oriented Ethernet — refers to the transformation of Ethernet, a connectionless communication system by design, into a connection oriented system. The aim of connection oriented Ethernet is to create a networking technology that combines the flexibility and cost… …   Wikipedia

  • Service-oriented architecture — (SOA) is a method for systems development and integration where functionality is grouped around business processes and packaged as interoperable services . SOA also describes IT infrastructure which allows different applications to exchange data… …   Wikipedia

  • Aspect-oriented programming — (AOP) is a programming paradigm that increases modularity by allowing the separation of cross cutting concerns.Separation of concerns entails breaking down a program into distinct parts (so called concerns , cohesive areas of functionality). All… …   Wikipedia

  • Document-oriented database — A document oriented database is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document oriented, or semi structured data, information. Document oriented databases are one of the main categories of so called NoSQL databases and …   Wikipedia

  • Process Oriented Psychology — (POP) refers to a body of theory and practice that encompasses a broad range of psychotherapeutic, personal growth, and group process applications. It is more commonly called Process Work in the United States, the longer name being used in Europe …   Wikipedia

  • Album-oriented rock — (sometimes referred to as Adult oriented rock or as West Coast Rock), abbreviated AOR and originally called album oriented radio, was originally an American FM radio format focusing on album tracks by rock artists. This format developed and… …   Wikipedia

  • PET film (biaxially oriented) — Biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (boPET) polyester film is used for its high tensile strength, chemical and dimensional stability, transparency, reflective, gas and aroma barrier properties and electrical insulation.A variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • object-oriented technology —    A variety of disciplines that support object oriented programming, including object oriented design …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

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