organization charter
Смотреть что такое "organization charter" в других словарях:
Organization of American States — Organization of American States Organisation des Éta … Wikipedia
charter — char·ter 1 n [Old French chartre letter, formal document, from Late Latin chartula, from Latin, diminutive of charta sheet of papyrus] 1 a: a grant or guarantee of rights, powers, or privileges from an authority or agency of a state or country a… … Law dictionary
Charter School (Massachusetts) — Charter schools operate with considerably more independence than traditional public schools. They are free to structure their curriculum and school environment; for instance, many charter schools fit more instructional hours into a year by… … Wikipedia
Charter school — Charter schools are primary or secondary schools that receive public money (and like other schools, may also receive private donations) but are not subject to some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in… … Wikipedia
Charter Oak State College — Motto Degrees Without Boundaries Established 1973 Type … Wikipedia
Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions — First page of the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions[1] … Wikipedia
Charter school (North Carolina) — Charter schools in North Carolina are public schools operating under a different set of rules than the typical state run schools. Though they are exempt from many requirements, charter schools are required to administer the state s battery of… … Wikipedia
charter — [chärt′ər] n. [ME chartre < OFr < L chartula, dim. of charta: see CARD1] 1. a franchise or written grant of specified rights made by a government or ruler to a person, corporation, etc. 2. a) a document setting forth the aims and principles … English World dictionary
Charter to the Gentry — Charter for the Rights, Freedoms, and Privileges of the Noble Russian Gentry also called Charter to the Gentry or Charter to the Nobility was a charter issued by the Russian empress Catherine II. It recognized the corps of nobles in each province … Wikipedia
charter member — ☆ charter member n. any of the founders or original members of an organization, esp. an organization with a charter … English World dictionary
charter member — ➔ member * * * charter member UK US noun [C] US ► one of the first members of a business, organization, etc., usually someone who helped start it: »He was a charter member of a statewide board that oversees police officer licensing. »She was… … Financial and business terms