
сущ. раздувальщик мехов (у органа) ;
механическое приспособление для раздувания мехов раздувальщик мехов (у органа) устройство для нагнетания воздуха в орган

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "organ-blower" в других словарях:

  • organ-blower — noun a person or mechanism working the bellows of an organ …   English new terms dictionary

  • organ — n. 1 a a usu. large musical instrument having pipes supplied with air from bellows, sounded by keys, and distributed into sets or stops which form partial organs, each with a separate keyboard (choir organ; pedal organ). b a smaller instrument… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Organ — • A musical instrument which consists of one or several sets of pipes, each pipe giving only one tone, and which is blown and played by mechanical means. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Organ     Organ …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Blower — This unusual surname is a patronymic of Blower, which is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is from an occupational name for someone who operated a bellows, either as a blacksmith s assistant or to provide wind for a church organ, or for someone who blew …   Surnames reference

  • Pipe organ — This article is about organs that produce sound by driving wind through pipes. For an overview of related instruments, see Organ (music). The pipe organ in Saint Germain l Auxerrois, Paris[1] The pipe organ is a musical instrument …   Wikipedia

  • Theatre organ — Console of the 3/13 Barton Theatre Pipe Organ at Ann Arbor s Michigan Theatre A theatre organ (also known as a cinema organ) is a pipe organ originally designed specifically for imitation of an orchestra. New designs have tended to be around some …   Wikipedia

  • Water organ — The water organ or hydraulic organ (early types are sometimes called hydraulis, hydraulos, hydraulus or hydraula) is a type of automatic pipe organ blown by air, where the power source pushing the air is derived by water from a natural source… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive organ — in Karlskrona Admiralty Church, Sweden …   Wikipedia

  • North German baroque organ in Örgryte Nya Kyrka — The North German baroque organ in Örgryte Nya Kyrka is a pipe organ in Gothenburg, Sweden. It was built within a research project at GOArt, University of Gothenburg and dedicated on August 12, 2000. The goal of the project was to recreate the… …   Wikipedia

  • Moe Pipe Organ Company — History The Moe Pipe Organ Company was founded in 1991 as Moe Piano Organ Company by Allen Moe of Roseau, MN when he began tuning and repairing pianos and reed organs in Northern Minnesota. In 1995 Mr. Moe accepted a position with a major Midwest …   Wikipedia

  • Barton Organ Company — The Barton Organ Company was an American pipe organ manufacturer during the age of silent movies. The company was founded by Dan Barton, who came from Amherst, Wisconsin. The fifth largest builder of theater instruments in the nationFact|date=May …   Wikipedia

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