- ordinaries
1. сущ.;
мн. обыкновенные акции
2. прил.
1) обыкновенный, обычный
2) ординарный
3) простой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Ordinaries — Ordinary Or di*na*ry, n.; pl. {Ordinaries} ( r[i^]z). 1. (Law) (a) (Roman Law) An officer who has original jurisdiction in his own right, and not by deputation. (b) (Eng. Law) One who has immediate jurisdiction in matters ecclesiastical; an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ordinaries — or·di·nar·y || É”rdnerɪ / É”Ëdnrɪ adj. regular, common n. ecclesiastical judge, priest … English contemporary dictionary
All Ordinaries — S P/ASX All Ordinaries Stammdaten Staat Australien Börse Australian Securities Exchange ISIN XC0009693018 WKN … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supplication against the Ordinaries — The Supplication against the Ordinaries was a petition passed by the House of Commons in 1532. It was the result of grievances against Church of England prelates and the clergy. Ordinaries in this Act means a cleric, such as the residential… … Wikipedia
Variations of ordinaries — In heraldry, in addition to the variations of the line that can be applied to both ordinaries and the field, there are some variations of ordinaries that can only be applied to them. The arms of Champagne show cotices potented and counter… … Wikipedia
All Ordinaries — Established in January 1980, the All Ordinaries (colloquially, the All Ords ; also known as the All Ordinaries Index, AOI) is the oldest index of shares in Australia, so called because it contains nearly all ordinary (or common) shares listed on… … Wikipedia
All-Ordinaries Stock Index — A stock index comprised of common shares from the Australian Stock Exchange. The All Ordinaries Index is the most quoted benchmark for Australian equities. The ASX is responsible for calculating and distributing the index and its returns. The All … Investment dictionary
ИНДЕКС All ordinaries — ведущий индекс на сиднейской бирже в Австралии. Райзберг Б.А., Лозовский Л.Ш., Стародубцева Е.Б.. Современный экономический словарь. 2 е изд., испр. М.: ИНФРА М. 479 с.. 1999 … Экономический словарь
All Ordinaries — The All Ordinaries Share Price Index or All Ords is the benchmark index for the Australian stock market. It is a capitalization weighted index consisting of over 300 stocks. ■ www.asx.com ■ ► See also Capitalization weighted Index … Financial and business terms
All-Ordinaries index — /ˌɔl ɔdənəriz ˈɪndɛks/ (say .awl awduhnuhreez indeks) noun (sometimes lower case) (on the Australian Stock Exchange) an index which gives a weighted average of the ordinary share prices of a specified large group of companies expressed in… …
(the) All-Ordinaries Index — the All Ordinaries Index UK US a list of numbers that represent the price of shares on the Australian stock exchange , based on the average price of the most successful shares. In Australia, this is often simply called the All Ords . Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary