ordered complex

ordered complex
мат. упорядоченный комплекс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ordered complex" в других словарях:

  • Complex number — A complex number can be visually represented as a pair of numbers forming a vector on a diagram called an Argand diagram, representing the complex plane. Re is the real axis, Im is the imaginary axis, and i is the square root of –1. A complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Ordered field — In mathematics, an ordered field is a field together with a total ordering of its elements that is compatible with the field operations. Historically, the axiomatization of an ordered field was abstracted gradually from the real numbers, by… …   Wikipedia

  • Ordered ring — In abstract algebra, an ordered ring is a commutative ring R with a total order ≤ such that for all a, b, and c in R: if a ≤ b then a + c ≤ b + c. if 0 ≤ a and 0 ≤ b then 0 ≤ ab. Ordered rings are familiar from arithmetic. Examples include the… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex polytope — A complex polytope is a generalization of a polytope in real space to an analogous structure in a complex Hilbert space, where each real dimension is accompanied by an imaginary one. On a real line, two points bound a segment. This defines an… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex space — In mathematics, n dimensional complex space is a multi dimensional generalisation of the complex numbers, which have both real and imaginary parts or dimensions. The n dimensional complex space can be seen as n cartesian products of the complex… …   Wikipedia

  • complex — 1. An organized constellation of feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and memories that may be in part unconscious and may strongly influence associations and attitudes. 2. In chemistry, the relatively stable combination of two or more compounds into …   Medical dictionary

  • Ordered exponential — The ordered exponential (also called the path ordered exponential) is a mathematical object, defined in non commutative algebras, which is equivalent to the exponential function of the integral in the commutative algebras. Therefore it is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Clique complex — “Whitney complex” redirects here. For the Mississippi sports facility, see Davey Whitney Complex. Clique complexes, flag complexes, and conformal hypergraphs are closely related mathematical objects in graph theory and geometric topology that… …   Wikipedia

  • Partially ordered set — The Hasse diagram of the set of all subsets of a three element set {x, y, z}, ordered by inclusion. In mathematics, especially order theory, a partially ordered set (or poset) formalizes and generalizes the intuitive concept of an ordering,… …   Wikipedia

  • Split-complex number — A portion of the split complex number plane showing subsets with modulus zero (red), one (blue), and minus one (green). In abstract algebra, the split complex numbers (or hyperbolic numbers) are a two dimensional commutative algebra over the real …   Wikipedia

  • Vilnius Castle Complex — Lithuania Vilnius Castle Complex around 1530 …   Wikipedia

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