order to pay costs

order to pay costs
распорядиться об оплате издержек

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "order to pay costs" в других словарях:

  • order for wasted costs — In the context of employment law, wasted costs are any costs incurred by a party as a result of any improper, unreasonable or negligent act or omission on the part of any representative or costs already incurred which, in light of any such… …   Law dictionary

  • Costs (English law) — Costs is a term of art in civil litigation in English law (the law of England and Wales), and in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. After judgment has been given, the judge has the power to order who will pay the lawyers fees and other… …   Wikipedia

  • order — or·der 1 n 1: a state of peace, freedom from unruly behavior, and respect for law and proper authority maintain law and order 2: an established mode or state of procedure a call to order 3 a: a mandate from a superior authority see also …   Law dictionary

  • order — I [[t]ɔ͟ː(r)də(r)[/t]] SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION USES ♦♦ 1) PHR CONJ SUBORD If you do something in order to achieve a particular thing or in order that something can happen, you do it because you want to achieve that thing. Most schools are… …   English dictionary

  • costs order — See order. A costs order is an instruction issued by a court or tribunal that one party to a claim should pay part or all of another party s costs. Related links claim order Practical Law Dictionary. Glossar …   Law dictionary

  • Costs lawyer — In English law, a costs lawyer is a legal professional concerned with legal costs who has attained rights of audience and rights to conduct costs litigation. Costs lawyers are concerned with all aspects of solicitor costs that are controlled by… …   Wikipedia

  • Order (business) — In business or commerce, an order is a stated intention, either spoken or written, to engage in a commercial transaction for specific products or services. From a buyer s point of view it expresses the intention to buy and is called a purchase… …   Wikipedia

  • order of interpleader — An order in favor of the complainant in interpleader, directing that complainant pay the fund or property into court and be dismissed with his costs, and further that the defendants interplead and settle the controversy between themselves. 30 Am… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Law costs draftsman — In English law, a Law Costs Draftsman is a specialist lawyer who calculates the costs of a case. The role of the Costs Draftsman centres around a procedure known as the Detailed Assessment of Costs , which is controlled by statute in England and… …   Wikipedia

  • Criminal costs — are financial penalties awarded against convicted criminals, in addition to the sentence they receive, in recognition of the costs of the court in bringing the prosecution. England and Wales A Magistrates Court or Crown Court may award such costs …   Wikipedia

  • final costs certificate — Formerly known as a taxing master s certificate. A certificate, issued in accordance with the Civil Procedure Rules, showing the amount of costs agreed or allowed on a detailed assessment. The certificate includes an order to pay the costs to… …   Law dictionary

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