order of prohibition
Смотреть что такое "order of prohibition" в других словарях:
governmental order of prohibition — index embargo Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
prohibition — pro·hi·bi·tion /ˌprō ə bi shən/ n 1 a: an extraordinary writ issued by a higher court commanding an inferior court to keep within its proper jurisdiction (as by ceasing a prosecution) b: an order to refrain or stop 2 a: something (as a law) that… … Law dictionary
Prohibition of death — consists of a political social phenomenon and taboo in which a law is passed stating that it is illegal to die in a certain political division or in a specific building. The earliest case of prohibition of death occurred in the 5th century, in… … Wikipedia
prohibition, writ of — An order from a superior court to a lower court or tribunal directing the judge and the parties to cease the litigation because the lower court does not have proper jurisdiction to hear or determine the matters before it. Dictionary from West s… … Law dictionary
order — or·der 1 n 1: a state of peace, freedom from unruly behavior, and respect for law and proper authority maintain law and order 2: an established mode or state of procedure a call to order 3 a: a mandate from a superior authority see also … Law dictionary
Order of Saint Augustine — Abbreviation OSA Formation March, 1256 Type Catholic religious ord … Wikipedia
prohibition — [prō΄ə bish′ən, prō΄hibish′ən] n. [ME prohibicion < MFr prohibition < L prohibitio] 1. a prohibiting or being prohibited 2. an order or law that forbids ☆ 3. the forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic… … English World dictionary
prohibition — ► NOUN 1) the action of prohibiting. 2) an order that forbids. 3) (Prohibition) the prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol in the US from 1920 to 1933. DERIVATIVES Prohibitionist noun … English terms dictionary
Prohibition in the United States — Detroit police inspecting equipment found in a clandestine underground brewery during the Prohibition era Prohibition in the United States (sometimes referred to as the Noble Experiment)[1] was a national ban on the sale, manufacture, and… … Wikipedia
Prohibition (drugs) — [ Drug Enforcement Administration in a training exercise.] The prohibition of drugs through sumptuary legislation or religious law is a common means of attempting to control drug use and the illegal drug trade. Prohibition of drugs has existed at … Wikipedia
Prohibition of drugs — See also: Drug prohibition law U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in a training exercise. The prohibition of drugs through sumptuary legislation or religious law is a common means of attempting to prevent drug use. Prohibition of drugs has… … Wikipedia