order of matrix
Смотреть что такое "order of matrix" в других словарях:
Matrix difference equation — A matrix difference equation[1][2] is a difference equation in which the value of a vector (or sometimes, a matrix) of variables at one point in time is related to its own value at one or more previous points in time, using matrices. Occasionally … Wikipedia
Matrix differential equation — A differential equation is a mathematical equation for an unknown function of one or several variables that relates the values of the function itself and of its derivatives of various orders. A matrix differential equation is one containing more… … Wikipedia
Matrix representation — This article is about the layout of matrices in the memory of computers. For the representation of groups and algebras by matrices in linear algebra, see representation theory. Matrix representation is a method used by a computer language to… … Wikipedia
Matrix of Leadership — Plot element from the Transformers franchise Publisher Marvel Comics (introduction only) First appearance Transformers issue 10 (November 1985) Created by Bob Budiansky … Wikipedia
Matrix chain multiplication — is an optimization problem that can be solved using dynamic programming. Given a sequence of matrices, we want to find the most efficient way to multiply these matrices together. The problem is not actually to perform the multiplications, but… … Wikipedia
matrix — UK US /ˈmeɪtrɪks/ noun [C] (plural matrixes or matrices) ► a group of numbers or other things arranged in a rectangle that can be used to solve a problem or measure something: »The bottom row of the matrix indicates typical lead times for… … Financial and business terms
order — [ôr′dər] n. [OFr ordre < L ordo (gen. ordinis), straight row, regular series, akin to ordiri, to lay the warp, hence begin, set in order, prob. < IE base * ar , to join, fit > ARM1, ART1] 1. social position; rank in the community 2. a… … English World dictionary
Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… … Wikipedia
Matrix mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Matrix multiplication — In mathematics, matrix multiplication is a binary operation that takes a pair of matrices, and produces another matrix. If A is an n by m matrix and B is an m by p matrix, the result AB of their multiplication is an n by p matrix defined only if… … Wikipedia
matrix — /may triks, ma /, n., pl. matrices /may tri seez , ma /, matrixes. 1. something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization. 2.… … Universalium