- order of determinant
- мат. порядок определителя
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Determinant — This article is about determinants in mathematics. For determinants in epidemiology, see Risk factor. In linear algebra, the determinant is a value associated with a square matrix. It can be computed from the entries of the matrix by a specific… … Wikipedia
order — [ôr′dər] n. [OFr ordre < L ordo (gen. ordinis), straight row, regular series, akin to ordiri, to lay the warp, hence begin, set in order, prob. < IE base * ar , to join, fit > ARM1, ART1] 1. social position; rank in the community 2. a… … English World dictionary
order of the determinant — determinanto eilė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. order of the determinant vok. Ordnung der Determinante, f rus. порядок определителя, m pranc. ordre de déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
order — orderable, adj. orderer, n. orderless, adj. /awr deuhr/, n. 1. an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate. 2. a command of a court or judge. 3. a command or notice issued by a military organization or a military commander to… … Universalium
order — I. verb (ordered; ordering) Etymology: Middle English, from ordre, noun Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. to put in order ; arrange 2. a. to give an order to ; command … New Collegiate Dictionary
order — or•der [[t]ˈɔr dər[/t]] n. 1) an authoritative direction or instruction; command 2) the disposition of things following one after another; succession or sequence: alphabetical order[/ex] 3) a condition in which each thing is properly disposed… … From formal English to slang
determinant — noun Date: 1686 1. an element that identifies or determines the nature of something or that fixes or conditions an outcome 2. a square array of numbers bordered on the left and right by a vertical line and having a value equal to the algebraic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Sylvester's determinant theorem — In matrix theory, Sylvester s determinant theorem is a theorem useful for evaluating certain types of determinants. It is named after James Joseph Sylvester.The theorem states that if A , B are matrices of size p times; n and n times; p… … Wikipedia
ordre de déterminant — determinanto eilė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. order of the determinant vok. Ordnung der Determinante, f rus. порядок определителя, m pranc. ordre de déterminant, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
cytoplasmic determinant — noun A substance, present in an egg or blastomere, that determines the fate of those cells that inherit it during cleavage. Consequently, in order to learn of a cytoplasmic determinant serving a specific hereditary function, one must detect it in … Wiktionary
BKL singularity — A BKL (Belinsky Khalatnikov Lifshitz) singularityHarvnb|Belinsky|Khalatnikov|Lifshitz|1970] is a model of the dynamic evolution of the Universe near the initial singularity, described by a non symmetric, chaotic, vacuum solution to Einstein s… … Wikipedia