orchestra pit
Смотреть что такое "orchestra pit" в других словарях:
orchestra pit — Orchestra Or ches*tra, n. [L. orchestra, Gr. ?, orig., the place for the chorus of dancers, from ? to dance: cf. F. orchestre.] 1. The space in a theater between the stage and the audience; originally appropriated by the Greeks to the chorus and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orchestra pit — orchestra ,pit noun count the area in front of and below a theater stage where an orchestra sits and plays the music for an opera, BALLET, or MUSICAL … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
orchestra pit — n the space below the stage in a theatre where the musicians sit … Dictionary of contemporary English
Orchestra pit — For a type of orchestra, see pit orchestra. The orchestra pit sandwiched between the stage and the seating of the New York State Theater. An orchestra pit is the area in a theater (usually located in a lowered area in front of the stage) in which … Wikipedia
orchestra pit — noun lowered area in front of a stage where an orchestra accompanies the performers • Syn: ↑pit • Hypernyms: ↑area • Part Holonyms: ↑theater, ↑theatre, ↑house * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
orchestra pit — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms orchestra pit : singular orchestra pit plural orchestra pits theatre British the area in front of and below a theatre stage where an orchestra sits and plays the music for an opera, ballet, or musical … English dictionary
orchestra pit — N SING In a theatre, the orchestra pit is the space reserved for the musicians playing the music for an opera, musical, or ballet, immediately in front of or below the stage … English dictionary
orchestra pit — /ˈɔkəstrə pɪt/ (say awkuhstruh pit) noun Theatre the area in front of and below the stage, where the orchestra plays …
orchestra pit — low area below the stage where an orchestra sits and plays during a performance … English contemporary dictionary
orchestra pit — noun (C) the space below the stage in a theatre where the musicians sit … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
orchestra — or orchestra pit [ôr′kis trə, ôr′kes΄trə] n. [L < Gr orchēstra < orcheisthai, to dance < IE base * ergh , extension of base * er , swift movement, a raising > Sans * ṛghāyati, (he) rages, Ger arg, bad] 1. in ancient Greek theaters,… … English World dictionary