- orbits
- Орбиты
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
orbits — or·bit || É”rbɪt / É”Ëb n. course of planets or satellites around another heavenly body; path of protons or electrons circling the nucleus of an atom; usual course of activity; orb v. rotate around a heavenly body on a set course (Astronomy);… … English contemporary dictionary
orbits — bistro … Anagrams dictionary
ORBITS — … Useful english dictionary
Newton's theorem of revolving orbits — Figure 1: An attractive force F(r) causes the blue planet to move on the cyan circle. The green planet moves three times faster and thus requires a stronger centripetal force, which is supplied by adding an attractive inverse cube force. The … Wikipedia
Secular variations of the planetary orbits — The Secular Variations of the Planetary Orbits (French: Variations Séculaires des Orbites Planétaires, abbreviated as VSOP) is a semi analytic theory describing the long term changes (secular variation) in the orbits of the planets Mercury to… … Wikipedia
List of orbits — The following is a list of types of orbits:Centric classifications* Galactocentric orbit: An orbit about the center of a galaxy. Earth s sun follows this type of orbit about the galactic center of the Milky Way. * Heliocentric orbit: An orbit… … Wikipedia
discrete orbits — diskrečiosios orbitos statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. discrete orbits vok. Diskretbahnen, f rus. дискретные орбиты, f pranc. orbites discrètes, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Electron orbits — An electron orbital may refer to:* An atomic orbital * A molecular orbital See also * Electron configuration … Wikipedia
frontal orbits — see genovertical plates … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bistro — orbits … Anagrams dictionary
Standard map — Orbits of the standard map for K = 0.6. Orbits of the standard map for … Wikipedia