orbital path

orbital path
орбитная траектория

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "orbital path" в других словарях:

  • London Outer Orbital Path — Infobox Hiking trail Name=London Outer Orbital Path Photo=London Loop sign.jpg Caption=The London LOOP s logo, a flying kestrel, can be seen on the signs marking the route Location= London, England Designation= Length=Convert|240|km|0 Start/End… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital state vectors — In astrodynamics or celestial dynamics orbital state vectors (sometimes state vectors) are vectors of position ( ) and velocity ( ) that together with their time (epoch) ( ) uniquely determine the state of an orbiting body. State vectors are… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital inclination — For the science fiction novella by William Shunn, see Inclination (novella). Fig. 1: One view of inclination i (green) and other orbital parameters Inclination in general is the angle between a reference plane and another plane or axis of… …   Wikipedia

  • path — noun plural paths, (C) 1 TRACK a track that people walk along over an area of ground: I walked nervously up the path towards the front door. | A path had been worn across the grass. 2 WAY THROUGH STH a way through something, that is made by… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • orbital — or|bit|al1 [ˈo:bıtl US ˈo:r ] adj 1.) relating to the orbit of one object around another ▪ the Earth s orbital path 2.) BrE an orbital road goes around a large city ▪ the M25, London s orbital motorway orbital 2 orbital2 n BrE a road that goes… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • orbital — [[t]ɔ͟ː(r)bɪt(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n An orbital road goes all the way round a large city. [mainly BRIT] ...a new orbital road round Paris. (in AM, use beltway) 2) ADJ: ADJ n Orbital describes things relating to the orbit of an object in space.… …   English dictionary

  • orbital — adjective 1 concerned with the orbit of one object around another: the Earth s orbital path 2 BrE an orbital road goes around a large city: the London orbital orbital noun (C) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • orbital velocity — the minimum velocity at which a body must move to maintain a given orbit. Cf. circular velocity. * * * ▪ physics       velocity sufficient to cause a natural or artificial satellite to remain in orbit. Inertia of the moving body tends to make it… …   Universalium

  • Orbital replacement unit — Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs) are key elements of the International Space Station that can be readily replaced when the unit either passes its design life or fails. Examples of ORUs are: pumps, storage tanks, controller boxes, antennas, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital mechanics — A satellite orbiting the earth has a tangential velocity and an inward acceleration. Orbital mechanics or astrodynamics is the application of ballistics and celestial mechanics to the practical problems concerning the motion of rockets and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital node — The ascending node. An orbital node is one of the two points where an orbit crosses a plane of reference to which it is inclined.[1] An orbit which is contained in the plane of reference (called non inclined) has no nodes …   Wikipedia

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