- oral confession
- изустное признание (признание обвиняемого в совершении преступления, признание своей вины)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
oral confession — n. A verbal statement confessing to having committed a crime. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
oral confession — verbal confession … English contemporary dictionary
confession — con·fes·sion n 1: an act of confessing 2: an acknowledgment of a fact or allegation as true or proven; esp: a written or oral statement by an accused party acknowledging the party s guilt (as by admitting commission of a crime) compare admission; … Law dictionary
oral — Uttered by the mouth or in words; spoken, not written @ oral argument Presentation of reasons for affirmance, reversal, modification, etc. by appellee and appellant before appellate court; generally limited in time by court rule; e.g. Fed.R.App.P … Black's law dictionary
confession — A voluntary statement made by a person charged with the commission of a crime or misdemeanor, communicated to another person, wherein he acknowledges himself to be guilty of the offense charged, and discloses the circumstances of the act or the… … Black's law dictionary
confession — A voluntary statement made by a person charged with the commission of a crime or misdemeanor, communicated to another person, wherein he acknowledges himself to be guilty of the offense charged, and discloses the circumstances of the act or the… … Black's law dictionary
oral — oral, ale, aux [ ɔral, o ] adj. • 1610; du lat. os, oris « bouche » 1 ♦ (Opposé à écrit) Qui se fait, se transmet par la parole. Langue orale et langue écrite. Cours d expression orale. Confession, déposition orale. ⇒ verbal. Littérature,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
oral — 1 *vocal, articulate Antonyms: written 2 Oral, verbal are often confused in use. Oral (see also VOCAL 1) implies utterance and speech; it is distinctively applicable to whatever is delivered, communicated, transacted, or carried on directly from… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
confession — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. an act of confessing; especially a disclosure of one s sins in the sacrament of reconciliation b. a session for the confessing of sins < go to confession > 2. a statement of what is confessed: as … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rapport Oral — Fellation Fellation, bord d une coupe attique du Peintre de Pédieus, v. 510 av. J. C., musée du Louvre La fellation (du latin fellatio) est une pratique sexuelle qui consiste à stimuler le pénis du partenaire ave … Wikipédia en Français
Rapport oral — Fellation Fellation, bord d une coupe attique du Peintre de Pédieus, v. 510 av. J. C., musée du Louvre La fellation (du latin fellatio) est une pratique sexuelle qui consiste à stimuler le pénis du partenaire ave … Wikipédia en Français