oral argument

oral argument
выступление в прениях сторон, выступление в суде

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oral argument" в других словарях:

  • Oral argument — Oral arguments are spoken presentations to a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (or parties when representing themselves) of the legal reasons why they should prevail. Oral argument at the appellate level accompanies written briefs, which also… …   Wikipedia

  • oral argument — / ōr əl / n: oral presentation of a party s position and the reasoning behind it before an esp. appellate court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. oral argument …   Law dictionary

  • Oral argument in the United States — Oral arguments are spoken presentations to a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (or parties when representing themselves) of the legal reasons why they should prevail. Oral argument at the appellate level accompanies written briefs, which also… …   Wikipedia

  • oral argument — устное представление фактов, их оценки и/или правовых аргументов …   Glossary of international commercial arbitration

  • argument — ar·gu·ment n 1: a reason or the reasoning given for or against a matter under discussion compare evidence, proof 2: the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing; esp: oral argum …   Law dictionary

  • Argument (disambiguation) — In general parlance, an argument is a discussion involving conflicting points of view. General types of argument * Argument, a demonstration of a proof, or using logical reasoning for persuasion * Argument form, the logical structure of an… …   Wikipedia

  • oral — Uttered by the mouth or in words; spoken, not written @ oral argument Presentation of reasons for affirmance, reversal, modification, etc. by appellee and appellant before appellate court; generally limited in time by court rule; e.g. Fed.R.App.P …   Black's law dictionary

  • argument — An effort to establish belief by a course of reasoning. In rhetoric and logic, an inference drawn from premises, the truth of which is indisputable, or at least highly probable. See also oral argument …   Black's law dictionary

  • argument — An effort to establish belief by a course of reasoning. In rhetoric and logic, an inference drawn from premises, the truth of which is indisputable, or at least highly probable. See also oral argument …   Black's law dictionary

  • Oral interpretation — is a dramatic art, also commonly called interpretive reading and dramatic reading , though these terms are more conservative and restrictive. In certain applications, oral interpretation is also a theatre art as in reader s theatre, in which a… …   Wikipedia

  • Oral transmission (synoptic problem) — Oral Transmission is a different approach to understanding the Synoptic Gospels in New Testament scholarship. Current theories attempt to link the three synoptic gospels together through a common textual tradition. However, many problems arise… …   Wikipedia

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