or rigid constraint

or rigid constraint
компьют. ограничение жесткое

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "or rigid constraint" в других словарях:

  • Constraint satisfaction problem — Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)s are mathematical problems defined as a set of objects whose state must satisfy a number of constraints or limitations. CSPs represent the entities in a problem as a homogeneous collection of finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint algorithm — In mechanics, a constraint algorithm is a method for satisfying constraints for bodies that obey Newton s equations of motion. There are three basic approaches to satisfying such constraints: choosing novel unconstrained coordinates ( internal… …   Wikipedia

  • Rigid rotor — The rigid rotor is a mechanical model that is used to explain rotating systems. An arbitrary rigid rotor is a 3 dimensional rigid object, such as a top. To orient such an object in space three angles are required. A special rigid rotor is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Carrier's constraint — is the observation that air breathing vertebrates which have two lungs and flex their bodies sideways during locomotion find it very difficult to move and breathe at the same time, because: *the sideways flexing expands one lung and compresses… …   Wikipedia

  • Multibody system — A multibody system is used to model the dynamic behavior of interconnected rigid or flexible bodies, each of which may undergo large translational and rotational displacements. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Applications 3 Example 4 Concept …   Wikipedia

  • mechanics — /meuh kan iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the theoretical and practical application …   Universalium

  • D'Alembert's principle — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics  …   Wikipedia

  • Poinsot's ellipsoid — In classical mechanics, Poinsot s construction is a geometrical method for visualizing the torque free motion of a rotating rigid body, that is, the motion of a rigid body on which no external forces are acting. This motion has four constants:… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathematical optimization — For other uses, see Optimization (disambiguation). The maximum of a paraboloid (red dot) In mathematics, computational science, or management science, mathematical optimization (alternatively, optimization or mathematical programming) refers to… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual work — on a system is the work resulting from either virtual forces acting through a real displacement or real forces acting through a virtual displacement. In this discussion, the term displacement may refer to a translation or a rotation, and the term …   Wikipedia

  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

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