optional rule
Смотреть что такое "optional rule" в других словарях:
Optional Practical Training — For other uses, see OPT (disambiguation). Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a period during which undergraduate and graduate students with F 1 status who have completed or have been pursuing their degrees for more than nine months are… … Wikipedia
Net capital rule — The uniform net capital rule is a rule created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) in 1975 to regulate directly the ability of broker dealers to meet their financial obligations to customers and other creditors.[1] Broker… … Wikipedia
Home Rule Municipality (Pennsylvania) — A Home Rule Municipality in Pennsylvania, for the purpose of this article, is one incorporated under Pennsylvania s Home Rule and Optional Plans Law [ [http://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/53/00.029..HTM | 53 Pa C.S. Chapters 29 31] ] .… … Wikipedia
Design rule for Camera File system — (DCF) is a JEITA specification (number CP 3461) which defines a file system for digital cameras, including the directory structure, file naming method, character set, file format, and metadata format. It is currently the de facto industry… … Wikipedia
Home Rule Cities Act (Michigan) — The Home Rule City Act was enacted by the Michigan Legislature as Public Act 279 of 1909 . This statute provides the framework by which a new city may become incorporated and provide for its own government by adopting a city charter. It also… … Wikipedia
Rules of Go — This is an in depth discussion of the rules of go. There has been a certain amount of variation in the rules of go over time, and from place to place. This article discusses those sets of rules broadly similar to the ones currently in use in East … Wikipedia
Mafia (party game) — Designer(s) Dimitry Davidoff Players 4 or more1 Age range 12 and up Skill(s) required Strategic thought Team play Social skills Roleplay 1See Basic gameplay below … Wikipedia
Comparison of Axis & Allies Games — Axis Allies is a series of board wargames by Larry Harris, which was originally produced by Nova Game Designs in 1981 and later by Milton Bradley in 1984 and by Avalon Hill since 1999. Avalon Hill is owned by Wizards of the Coast. Since the… … Wikipedia
Editions of Dungeons & Dragons — Several different editions of the Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game have been produced since 1974. The current publisher of Dungeons Dragons (D D), Wizards of the Coast, produces new materials only for the most current edition of the… … Wikipedia
Mahjong — For other uses, see Mahjong (disambiguation). Mahjong A game of mahjong being played in Hangzhou, China Chinese name Traditional Chinese … Wikipedia
OMTROLL — OMTROLL[1] basically is an Object oriented modeling idea that has been formulated by combining the traditional Object Modelling Approaches(OMT) and the formal specifications of the TROLL language. OMTROLL was basically created so as to: exploit… … Wikipedia