optimization problem

optimization problem
мат. задача оптимизации

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "optimization problem" в других словарях:

  • Optimization problem — In mathematics and computer science, an optimization problem is the problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. Optimization problems can be divided into two categories depending on whether the variables are continuous or… …   Wikipedia

  • optimization problem — noun The problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions, given constraints defining which of the solutions are feasible, and goal function defining which of the feasible solutions is the best one …   Wiktionary

  • Optimization (mathematics) — In mathematics, the term optimization, or mathematical programming, refers to the study of problems in which one seeks to minimize or maximize a real function by systematically choosing the values of real or integer variables from within an… …   Wikipedia

  • optimization — /op teuh meuh zay sheuhn/ 1. the fact of optimizing; making the best of anything. 2. the condition of being optimized. 3. Math. a mathematical technique for finding a maximum or minimum value of a function of several variables subject to a set of …   Universalium

  • Problem — A problem is an obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal, objective or purpose. It refers to a situation, condition, or issue that is yet unresolved. In a broad sense, a problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a… …   Wikipedia

  • optimization — noun the act of rendering optimal the simultaneous optimization of growth and profitability in an optimization problem we seek values of the variables that lead to an optimal value of the function that is to be optimized to promote the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Optimization (computer science) — In computing, optimization is the process of modifying a system to make some aspect of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources. For instance, a computer program may be optimized so that it executes more rapidly, or is capable of operating …   Wikipedia

  • Problem des Handlungsreisenden — Optimaler Reiseweg eines Handlungsreisenden durch die 15 größten Städte Deutschlands. Die angegebene Route ist die kürzeste von 43.589.145.600 möglichen. Das Problem des Handlungsreisenden (auch Rundreiseproblem, engl. Traveling Salesman Problem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Problem des Handelsreisenden — Optimaler Reiseweg eines Handlungsreisenden durch die 15 größten Städte Deutschlands. Die angegebene Route ist die kürzeste von 43.589.145.600 möglichen. Das Problem des Handlungsreisenden (engl. Traveling Salesman Problem, kurz TSP) ist ein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mathematical optimization — For other uses, see Optimization (disambiguation). The maximum of a paraboloid (red dot) In mathematics, computational science, or management science, mathematical optimization (alternatively, optimization or mathematical programming) refers to… …   Wikipedia

  • Multidisciplinary design optimization — Multi disciplinary design optimization (MDO) is a field of engineering that uses optimization methods to solve design problems incorporating a number of disciplines. As defined by Prof. Carlo Poloni, MDO is the art of finding the best compromise …   Wikipedia

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