optically read memory

optically read memory
память [запоминающее устройство] с оптическим считыванием

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "optically read memory" в других словарях:

  • Colossus computer — Colossus MkI/MkII A Colossus Mark 2 computer. The operator on the left is Dorothy Duboisson. The slanted control panel on the left was used to set the pin patterns on the Lorenz. The bedstead paper tape transport is on the right. Developer Tommy… …   Wikipedia

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  • Timeline of computing hardware 2400 BC–1949 — History of computing Hardware before 1960 Hardware 1960s to present Hardware in Soviet Bloc countries Artificial intelligence Computer science Operating systems Programming languages …   Wikipedia

  • Radio-frequency identification — (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an object, through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. Some RFID tags can be read from… …   Wikipedia

  • Eye movement in music reading — skills. A central aspect of music reading is the sequence of alternating saccades and fixations, as it is for most oculomotor tasks. Saccades are the rapid ‘flicks’ that move the eyes from location to location over a music score. Saccades are… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated Tissue Image Systems — (ATIS) are computer controlled automatic test equipment (ATE) systems classified as medical device and used as pathology laboratory tools (tissue based cancer diagnostics) to characterize a stained tissue sample embedded on a bar coded glass… …   Wikipedia

  • information processing — Acquisition, recording, organization, retrieval, display, and dissemination of information. Today the term usually refers to computer based operations. Information processing consists of locating and capturing information, using software to… …   Universalium

  • ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 19762-1-2011: Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 1. Общие термины в области АИСД — Терминология ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 19762 1 2011: Информационные технологии. Технологии автоматической идентификации и сбора данных (АИСД). Гармонизированный словарь. Часть 1. Общие термины в области АИСД оригинал документа: Accredited Standards… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Magnetic storage — and magnetic recording are terms from engineering referring to the storage of data on a magnetized medium. Magnetic storage uses different patterns of magnetization in a magnetizable material to store data and is a form of non volatile memory.… …   Wikipedia

  • Laserdisc — Not to be confused with disk laser, a flat configuration solid state laser. Not to be confused with VCD, DVD, or Blu ray, optical disc formats employing digital video encoding. Not to be confused with CED, a coincident but incompatible analogue… …   Wikipedia

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