Смотреть что такое "optically" в других словарях:
Optically — Op tic*al*ly, adv. 1. By optics or sight. [1913 Webster] 2. With reference to optics. [1913 Webster] {Optically active}, {Optically inactive} (Chem. Physics), terms used of certain isomeric substances which, while identical with each other in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
optically — op·ti·cal·ly äp ti k(ə )lē adv 1) by means of sight: with or to the eye <as viewed optically> 2) with reference to or by means of optics: with reference to optical properties <object deformation was...measured optically (G. N. Duda )(et… … Medical dictionary
optically — optical UK US /ˈɒptɪkəl/ adjective ► relating to light and the ability to see: »optical equipment/goods/devices »They manufacture a variety of lenses, mirrors, prisms, and other optical components. ► IT relating to the ability of a piece of… … Financial and business terms
optically — adv. Optically is used with these verbs: ↑scan … Collocations dictionary
optically — optical ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to vision, light, or optics. DERIVATIVES optically adverb … English terms dictionary
optically — adverb in an optical manner (Freq. 1) optically distorted • Derived from adjective: ↑optical … Useful english dictionary
Optically active — Optically Op tic*al*ly, adv. 1. By optics or sight. [1913 Webster] 2. With reference to optics. [1913 Webster] {Optically active}, {Optically inactive} (Chem. Physics), terms used of certain isomeric substances which, while identical with each… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Optically inactive — Optically Op tic*al*ly, adv. 1. By optics or sight. [1913 Webster] 2. With reference to optics. [1913 Webster] {Optically active}, {Optically inactive} (Chem. Physics), terms used of certain isomeric substances which, while identical with each… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Optically negative — Optically Op tic*al*ly, adv. 1. By optics or sight. [1913 Webster] 2. With reference to optics. [1913 Webster] {Optically active}, {Optically inactive} (Chem. Physics), terms used of certain isomeric substances which, while identical with each… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Optically positive — Optically Op tic*al*ly, adv. 1. By optics or sight. [1913 Webster] 2. With reference to optics. [1913 Webster] {Optically active}, {Optically inactive} (Chem. Physics), terms used of certain isomeric substances which, while identical with each… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Optically active additive — (OAA) is an organic or inorganic material which, when added to a coating, makes that coating react to ultra violet light. This effect enables quick, non invasive inspection of very large coated areas during the application process allowing the… … Wikipedia