- optical-acoustic diffraction
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Diffraction topography — (short: topography ) is an X ray imaging technique based on Bragg diffraction. Diffraction topographic images ( topographs ) record the intensity profile of a beam of X rays (or, sometimes, neutrons) diffracted by a crystal. A topograph thus… … Wikipedia
Diffraction — Computer generated intensity pattern formed on a screen by diffraction from a square aperture … Wikipedia
Acoustic microscopy — Introduction = Acoustic microscopes employ very high or ultra high frequency ultrasound. These microscopes operate nondestructively and penetrate most solid materials to make visible images of internal features, including defects such as cracks,… … Wikipedia
Optical modulators using semiconductor nano-structures — Contents 1 Optical modulators using semiconductor nano structures 1.1 Electro optic modulator of nano structures 1.2 Acousto optic modulator of nano structures … Wikipedia
Optical switch — This article is about the optical component. For the optoelectronic component, see Slotted optical switch. In telecommunication, an optical switch is a switch that enables signals in optical fibers or integrated optical circuits (IOCs) to be… … Wikipedia
Acousto Optical Spectrometer — The principle of an AOS is based on the diffraction of light at ultrasonic waves. A piecoelectric transducer, driven by the RF signal (from the receiver), generates an acoustic wave in a crystal (the so called Bragg cell). This acoustic wave… … Wikipedia
microscope — /muy kreuh skohp /, n. 1. an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye. 2. (cap.) Astron. the… … Universalium
Picosecond ultrasonics — When an ultrashort light pulse (duration: 100 fs, energy … Wikipedia
Optics — For the book by Sir Isaac Newton, see Opticks. Optical redirects here. For the musical artist, see Optical (artist). Optics includes study of dispersion of light. Optics is the branch of … Wikipedia
Angle of incidence — is a measure of deviation of something from straight on , for example: in the approach of a ray to a surface, or the angle at which the wing or horizontal tail of an airplane is installed on the fuselage, measured relative to the axis of the… … Wikipedia
Acousto-optics — is a branch of physics that studies the interactions between sound waves and light waves, especially the diffraction of laser light by ultrasound or sound in general.IntroductionOptics has had a very long and full history, from ancient Greece,… … Wikipedia