optical conductor
Смотреть что такое "optical conductor" в других словарях:
Optical interferometry — combines two or more light waves in an optical instrument in such a way that interference occurs between them. Early interferometers used white light sources and also monochromatic light from atomic sources (e.g., Young s double slit experiment… … Wikipedia
Optical fiber — A bundle of optical fibers A TOSLINK fiber optic audio c … Wikipedia
Optical lattice — Simulation of an optical lattice potential. An optical lattice is formed by the interference of counter propagating laser beams, creating a spatially periodic polarization pattern. The resulting periodic potential may trap neutral atoms via the… … Wikipedia
Optical ground wire — An optical ground wire (also known as an OPGW or, in the IEEE standard, an optical fiber composite overhead ground wire) is a type of cable that is used in the construction of electric power transmission and distribution lines. Such cable… … Wikipedia
optical waveguide — šviesolaidis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. light conductor; lightguide; optical waveguide vok. Lichtleiter, m; Lichtleitfaser, f; Lichtwellenleiter, m rus. оптический волновод, m; световод, m pranc. guide de lumière, m; guide d… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
optical waveguide — šviesolaidis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. light conductor; lightguide; optical waveguide vok. Lichtleiter, m; Lichtleitfaser, f; Lichtwellenleiter, m rus. оптический волновод, m; световод, m; светопровод, m pranc. guide de lumière … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Extraordinary optical transmission — (EOT) is an opticalphenomenon that happens in slits that are narrower than the wavelength of the light [Ebbesen, T. W.; Ghaemi, H. F.; Thio, Tineke; Grupp, D. E.; Lezec, H. J, Extraordinary Optical Transmission through Sub wavelength Hole Arrays … Wikipedia
Sterlite Optical Technologies — Ltd. is an Indian manufacturer of optical fibers, telecommunication cables and power transmission conductors and exports optical fiber to overseas markets in China, Europe and South East Asia. The company is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange… … Wikipedia
Metal-mesh optical filters — are optical filters made from stacks of metal meshes and dielectric. They are used as part of an optical path to filter the incoming light to allow frequencies of interest to pass while reflecting other frequencies of light. Metal mesh filters… … Wikipedia
light conductor — šviesolaidis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. light conductor; lightguide; optical waveguide vok. Lichtleiter, m; Lichtleitfaser, f; Lichtwellenleiter, m rus. оптический волновод, m; световод, m pranc. guide de lumière, m; guide d… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
light conductor — šviesolaidis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. light conductor; lightguide; optical waveguide vok. Lichtleiter, m; Lichtleitfaser, f; Lichtwellenleiter, m rus. оптический волновод, m; световод, m; светопровод, m pranc. guide de lumière … Fizikos terminų žodynas