- opsonization
- биол. опсонизация (биология) опсонизация
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
opsonization — (op so ni za shun) The action of opsonins in making bacteria and other cells more readily phagocytosed. Antibodies, complement (especially C3b), and fibronectin are potent opsonins … Dictionary of microbiology
opsonization — Process of coating with an opsonin. Often done simply by incubating particles (eg. zymosan) with fresh serum … Dictionary of molecular biology
opsonization — See opsonize. * * * … Universalium
opsonization — noun The process of opsonizing See Also: opsonin, opsonize … Wiktionary
opsonization — The process by which bacteria and other cells are altered in such a manner that they are more readily and more efficiently engulfed by phagocytes. * * * op·son·iza·tion .äp sə nə zā shən, .nī zā n the process of modifying (as a bacterium) by the… … Medical dictionary
opsonization — op·son·iza·tion … English syllables
opsonization — n. the process by which opsonins render foreign organisms or particles more attractive to phagocytes by attaching to their outer surfaces and changing their physical and chemical composition. Phagocytic leucocytes express receptors for these… … The new mediacal dictionary
opsonization — noun process whereby opsonins make an invading microorganism more susceptible to phagocytosis • Syn: ↑opsonisation • Derivationally related forms: ↑opsonize (for: ↑opsonisation), ↑opsonize • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Antibody opsonization — is the process by which a pathogen is marked for ingestion and destruction by a phagocyte. Opsonization involves the binding of an opsonin, i.e., antibody, to a receptor on the pathogen s cell membrane [ [http://cancerweb.ncl.ac.uk/cgi… … Wikipedia
opsonize — opsonization, n. /op seuh nuyz /, v.t., opsonized, opsonizing. Immunol. to increase the susceptibility of (bacteria) to ingestion by phagocytes. Also, esp. Brit., opsonise. [OPSON(IN) + IZE] * * * … Universalium
Opsonin — Action of opsonins; a phagocytic cell recognises the opsonin on the surface of an antigen An opsonin is any molecule that targets an antigen for an immune response. However, the term is usually used in reference to molecules that act as a binding … Wikipedia