- opponency
- сопротивление, противодействие возражение, опровержение выступление в роли оппонента на ученом диспуте или при защите диссертации
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Opponency — Op*po nen*cy, n. The act of opening an academical disputation; the proposition of objections to a tenet, as an exercise for a degree. [Eng.] Todd. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
opponency — [ə pō′nən sē] n. opposition; resistance … English World dictionary
opponency — /euh poh neuhn see/, n. 1. an act or instance of opposing. 2. the state of being an opponent. [1720 30; OPPON(ENT) + ENCY] * * * … Universalium
opponency — É™ pəʊnÉ™nsɪ n. opposition, rivalry … English contemporary dictionary
opponency — op·po·nen·cy … English syllables
opponency — /əˈpoʊnənsi/ (say uh pohnuhnsee) noun 1. the act of opposing. 2. the state of being an opponent …
opponency — əˈpōnənsē noun ( es) Etymology: opponent (II) + cy 1. : opposition, antagonism 2. archaic … Useful english dictionary
Natural Color System — The NCS color model is based on the three pairs of elementary colors (white–black, green–red, and yellow–blue), as defined by color opponency. It is not possible to describe the perceptual appearance of these colors in terms of the perceptual… … Wikipedia
Opponent process — For the universal psychological and neurological model, see opponent process theory. Opponent colors based on experiment. Deuteranopes see little difference between the two colors in the central column. The color opponent process is a color… … Wikipedia
Color constancy — Color constancy: The colors of a hot air balloon are recognized as being the same in sun and shade … Wikipedia
Color vision — White light shone onto a green surface is perceived as green by the human eye, and processed as such in the brain s visual cortex … Wikipedia