- operator identity
- мат. операторное тождество
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Identity — may refer to:Philosophy* Identity (philosophy), the sameness of two things * Identity theory of mind, in the philosophy of mind, holds that the mind is identical to the brain * Personal identity (philosophy) * Identity (social science) * Identity … Wikipedia
identity element — noun an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates the identity under numerical multiplication is 1 • Syn: ↑identity, ↑identity operator • Hypernyms: ↑operator * * * noun see identity 8 * * … Useful english dictionary
identity operator — noun an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates the identity under numerical multiplication is 1 • Syn: ↑identity, ↑identity element • Hypernyms: ↑operator … Useful english dictionary
Identity document — National identity card redirects here. For cards referred to in the English language as national identity card , see National identity card (disambiguation). An identity document (also called a piece of identification or ID, or colloquially as… … Wikipedia
Operator (mathematics) — This article is about operators in mathematics. For other uses, see Operator (disambiguation). In basic mathematics, an operator is a symbol or function representing a mathematical operation. In terms of vector spaces, an operator is a mapping… … Wikipedia
Operator (physics) — In physics, an operator is a function acting on the space of physical states. As a result of its application on a physical state, another physical state is obtained, very often along with some extra relevant information. The simplest example of… … Wikipedia
Identity function — In mathematics, an identity function, also called identity map or identity transformation, is a function that always returns the same value that was used as its argument. In terms of equations, the function is given by f ( x ) = x… … Wikipedia
identity operator — vienetinis operatorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. identity operator; unity operator vok. Einheitsoperator, m; Identitätsoperator, m rus. единичный оператор, m; тождественный оператор, m pranc. opérateur identique, m; opérateur… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Subscriber Identity Module — Simcard redirects here. For the brand name medication, see Simvastatin. A typical SIM Card … Wikipedia
Compact operator on Hilbert space — In functional analysis, compact operators on Hilbert spaces are a direct extension of matrices: in the Hilbert spaces, they are precisely the closure of finite rank operators in the uniform operator topology. As such, results from matrix theory… … Wikipedia
Self-adjoint operator — In mathematics, on a finite dimensional inner product space, a self adjoint operator is one that is its own adjoint, or, equivalently, one whose matrix is Hermitian, where a Hermitian matrix is one which is equal to its own conjugate transpose.… … Wikipedia