operator expression

operator expression
мат. операторное выражение;
операторное представление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "operator expression" в других словарях:

  • Expression Templates — sind eine C++ Metaprogrammiertechnik und waren ursprünglich nicht im C++ Standard vorgesehen. Sie werden verwendet, um bereits zur Kompilierzeit bestimmte Ausdrücke durch Templatecode zu ersetzen. Todd Veldhuizen stellte diese Technik im Juni… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Operator-precedence parser — An operator precedence parser is a bottom up parser that interprets an operator precedence grammar. For example, most calculators use operator precedence parsers to convert from the human readable infix notation with order of operations format… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator associativity — For the mathematical concept of associativity, see Associativity. In programming languages and mathematical notation, the associativity (or fixity) of an operator is a property that determines how operators of the same precedence are grouped in… …   Wikipedia

  • Expression (mathematics) — In mathematics, an expression is a finite combination of symbols that is well formed according to rules that depend on the context. Symbols can designate numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, and other mathematical symbols, as… …   Wikipedia

  • ?? Operator — The ?? operator, sometimes called the Coalescing Operator, is a binary operator that is part of the syntax for a basic conditional expression in several programming languages, most notably C#.Conditional assignment?? is most frequently used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (physics) — In physics, an operator is a function acting on the space of physical states. As a result of its application on a physical state, another physical state is obtained, very often along with some extra relevant information. The simplest example of… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (programming) — Programming languages generally support a set of operators that are similar to operations in mathematics. A language may contain a fixed number of built in operators (e.g. + * = in C and C++), or it may allow the creation of programmer defined… …   Wikipedia

  • Operator product expansion — Contents 1 2D Euclidean quantum field theory 2 General 3 See also 4 External links 2D Euclidean quantum field theory …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (biology) — In genetics, an operator is a segment of DNA to which a transcription factor protein binds. It is classically defined in the lac operon as a segment between the promoter and the genes of the operon. In the case of a repressor, the repressor… …   Wikipedia

  • operator — 1. One who performs an operation or operates equipment. 2. In genetics, a sequence of DNA that interacts with a repressor of operon to control the expression of adjacent structural genes. See o. gene. 3. A symbol representing a mathematical… …   Medical dictionary

  • operator — The segment of DNA to which the repressor protein binds; it controls the expression of the genes adjacent to it …   Dictionary of microbiology

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